
Impulsive behaviour is undermining a close relationship. It's important to take your business or romantic partner's feelings into account before making major moves. Although you cherish your independence, you must set your freedom aside for the sake of your union. By making a few personal sacrifices for your other half, they'll go out of their way to support you. Make it your mission to learn the fine art of compromise. This is one of the most valuable skills you'll ever acquire.

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Beware of working too hard. Pushing yourself past the point of endurance will lead to illness. If you are tired, take a break. Spending a day or two away from your duties will be therapeutic. If anyone dares to accuse you of being lazy, invite them to assume your responsibilities. There's no faster way to silence your critics. You're lucky to have loving friends in your life who are eager to help you. Ask for their assistance, whether it's with looking after a youngster or finishing some important paperwork.

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You're fully aware of your personal charms. Sometimes you use your powers of persuasion to get special favours. Don't do this now, or you'll give someone the wrong impression. A person who has a serious crush on you will mistake your attention for romantic interest. They'll go above and beyond the call of duty for you. In return, they'll get nothing more than a bright smile from you. If you don't want to break a nice person's heart, resist the temptation to ask for special considerations.

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You resent a relative's attempts to control your decisions. If you want to break free of their restrictive influence, you must establish healthy boundaries. Stop taking calls after a certain time. Never allow your family member to comment on your romantic life. Above all, find a way to live independently. Supporting yourself will cause your confidence to soar. It will make it easier to keep others at arm's length. Don't be afraid of breaking off a relationship with someone who can't take 'no' for an answer.

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Beware of jumping to conclusions about a colleague. Someone who has been behaving oddly has had a terrible blow. By exercising compassion, you'll make a difficult situation much easier for this fellow worker. If you get negative feedback on a project, don't take it to heart. There's a good chance these remarks have no merit. A person who is jealous of your creative talent is trying to undercut your enthusiasm. Continue to follow your impulses; they will take you far, both as an artist and a professional.

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An impulsive purchase will be cause for regret. If you see an expensive item, wait at least a day before buying it. Your enthusiasm will wane faster than you think. Alternatively, you could find this same bauble for a much lower price after doing some research. Is a child or romantic partner pestering you for an expensive gift? Don't fall for their emotional blackmail. You deserve to be loved for who you are, not what you can buy. Money is no substitute for affection.

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You are impatient about a home renovation project isn't moving as fast as you want. Hurrying the job will only result in costly mistakes. Trust a seasoned professional when they tell you more time is necessary to execute a complicated task. It's also important to take a detached approach with an indecisive relative. Pushing them into an important choice will be cause for serious resentment. Give your loved one the space they need to consult their own conscience.

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Don't let your imagination run away with you. If you hear a nasty rumour, suspend your judgment. It doesn't matter whether you like them or not. By holding out for the facts, you'll save yourself a lot of embarrassment. A person in your social circle is trying to stir up trouble. Instead of getting drawn into the drama, channel your energy into a personal project. It isn't important whether you're launching a fitness regime, undergoing a makeover or style update. The important thing is to enjoy some self-pampering.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Going along with the crowd will backfire. It's better to march to the beat of your own drum, even if it means loving someone's friendship. The last thing you want is to have your name tarnished. Getting involved with a bad plan will harm your reputation. People will look at you in a totally different way, making you feel alienated and isolated. When in doubt, obey your conscience. It has always been your best guide; this situation is no exception.

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Your competitive nature will drive people away. When you see someone with superior talent, acknowledge and praise them. Trying to outperform this expert will be an exercise in futility. Not only will you fail to surpass them, you'll also look foolish. Everybody is here to contribute their unique gifts. By acting as a cheerleader, instead of a rival, you'll form an important alliance that will last a lifetime. If you're passed over for a job promotion, offer the victor your sincere congratulations.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's hard to come to terms with cultural differences. Someone's deeply held beliefs offend you to the core. Instead of dwelling on this difference, try building some bridges. After making a few attempts to know this individual, you'll discover you have some interests in common. Once you can discuss your favourite writers, musicians and films, the barriers between you will come down. At that point, you'll be able to work easily together. This will be so much better than having to endure awkward silences.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A relationship will end quite suddenly. It's distressing to realise a close friend will no longer be in your life. Let the grief flow through you. It's only natural you will be upset by this break. After allowing yourself to mourn this alliance, you'll realise it ran its course. Being with people who share your goals, beliefs and values will help you move forward. It's difficult to progress when you're surrounded by those who are fearful of change.

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