
Channel your anger in a positive direction. You have the power to make a remarkable personal transformation. It will take time, dedication and diligence. If there's anyone who can reach this goal, it's you. You're tired of trying to break other people's bad habits. By altering your own approach, you'll finally see some results. Find new ways to save money, too. Building a nest egg will be a much more constructive use of your time than hitting the shops.

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You're able to give without expecting anything in return. This is a remarkable quality that puts you in the path of love, luck and abundance. Instead of yearning for what you lack, you focus on what you have and then share it with others. While it's true opportunists have occasionally taken advantage of you, this hasn't happened for the most part. That's because you're also a great judge of character. If you sense someone close needs some additional help, step forward and offer it.

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Improve yourself any way you can. Learn a skill, further develop your creative talent or break a bad habit. You're more determined than most to make changes to your daily life. As an Air sign, you need lots of variety to be happy. When your routine feels more like a burden than a blessing, it's time to mix things up. Alterations to your sleep pattern may be necessary, thanks to a demanding job. Give yourself time to get used to your new schedule.

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Forming powerful alliances is the secret to your success. You're so empathetic that it is easy for you to form connections to virtually everyone in your office. Cynics think you are hypocritical, but nothing could be further from the truth. You're fully conscious of the human condition. That's why it's easy for you to relate to people who are out of step with the majority. Such contacts will be helpful when you least expect it. Never underestimate the power of friendship.

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Your vivacity attracts lots of admirers. Although their attention is flattering, you'd rather spend time with family. Cheering up an ailing relative is the sort of task you enjoy most. You love thinking of ways to stimulate their five senses. Taking them to a movie or musical that features bright colours, lively music and plenty of jokes will boost their morale. It will also strengthen your relationship. You don't want to see them struggling when you can help them with a little of your time and attention.

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You're justifiably proud of your progress. It's taken a lot of time and sacrifice to reach your goals. You never wavered from your mission. Jealous rivals will claim you are just the recipient of dumb luck. Nothing could be further from the truth. Actually, you're a powerful example of how far a person can go if they're willing to work hard. Rivals have a hard time admitting this because they know they are too lazy to compete. Give yourself a handsome reward for pushing yourself.

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Creating harmony is your first order of business. This means defusing a troublemaker who is always complaining. By giving them an engrossing job they can do well, they'll stop nit picking and criticising. Enhance your efforts by offering praise whenever it is deserved. People need to feel their efforts matter. For too long, everyone has been operating in a vacuum. This is your chance to rectify the problem and produce some impressive work. You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

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Everyone keeps throwing up their hands when faced with a particular problem. Take this opportunity to get to the bottom of the issue. What's at work is a personality clash. This can be remedied by keeping two people as far apart as possible. Alternatively, it may be necessary to fire someone who has been abusive and lazy. Do whatever it takes to get the operation back on track. You'll have to make some unpopular decisions, but that's better than letting everything fall apart at the seams.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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As a general rule, you're very sociable. That could change now, when you take up a hobby that is best enjoyed alone. Going solo will help you discover some hidden talents. In the past, you depended on others to help you with things that were alien and unfamiliar. Now you will be forced to figure problems out for yourself. It's nice to realise you are more resourceful than you ever imagined. Don't be afraid to hang a 'do not disturb' sign outside your door.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You have an opportunity to show assertive, independent leadership. If you don't think the rules apply to an unusual job, throw them out the window. It's always important to conduct yourself professionally. Avoid becoming overly familiar with subordinates. If they see this barrier drop, they'll lose respect for you. You can defy protocol when it comes to assigning work. Someone who usually works as an assistant may be the perfect person to draft a budget or do some price comparisons.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Feeling fully engaged with your surroundings is an unusual sensation for you. Normally, it seems like you're on the outside looking in. Your perceptions are different from everyone else's. This can cause you to feel alienated. Right now, your unique perspective is a source of admiration. Everyone wants to hear your feedback. It's nice feeling as if you're part of the group for a change. Enjoy the moment; it will help you reconnect with the group when you fall out of step with it again.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're highly aware how your mood affects your enjoyment of life. If you catch yourself thinking dark thoughts, turn your attention to a pleasurable activity. Listening to upbeat music can have a radical effect. Does it feel like you're in a dead end job? You have the ability to attract bigger and better career opportunities, provided you get additional training. It may take a long time to get an advanced degree, but the process will be more enjoyable than you expect.

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