
It's time to release anger that is toxic to you. You rarely hold a grudge, but when it happens, the effect is profound. While it's true someone was terribly unfair, it's important to move on to greener pastures. If people see you dwelling on this misfortune, they'll become disenchanted. The secret to your success is being able to overcome difficulties with good humour. Don't ever let the competition see you sweat. It isn't in keeping with your Can Do' spirit.

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Give yourself permission to experience sorrow. A friendship that has fallen by the wayside is weighing on your conscience. Take a few moments to think back on that time. Think about what you could have said and done to help a person who was in trouble. You may have lacked the maturity to offer much assistance. Now you're older you can be of service to another troubled person. Push past your fears and offer emotional support. You'll be glad you did.

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No matter how strongly you are tempted, you shouldn't quit a job. Sticking with a difficult situation will teach you some valuable skills. You've always had a problem with persistence. By learning to overcome your restless nature, you'll pave the way for success. Yes, your position has proved difficult. If you continue to put one foot in front of the other you'll get a raise or promotion. An authority figure has been watching your progress and is waiting to see if you're strong enough to withstand pressure.

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You've been holding on to sadness for so long it has become a part of you. Now it's time to let go of your sorrow. If you don't, you'll miss a golden opportunity for happiness. A new job, a passionate romance, or a vivacious lifestyle is yours for the asking. It's just a matter of coming to terms with the past. Stop treating a difficult experience like a life sentence. It's always possible to make a fresh start; just think of your heroes from childhood.

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Some of your assumptions will be proven incorrect, which is humbling. Be willing to admit your mistakes. Take it upon yourself to learn something new. It's hard for you to let go of beliefs you have held since childhood, but it's all part of growing, developing and maturing. Nobody is ever fully developed; it's a lifelong journey. An intimate relationship makes you understand that you need a partner who can balance out your weaknesses. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you find yourself struggling.

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You have the capacity to transform your life. Stop telling yourself it's too late to lose weight, take up a hobby, or change careers. It's all a matter of summoning your willpower. Make a list of ten small steps you can take to realising your dream and then swing into action. After you take the first step, your confidence will build. Pretty soon, you'll be well on your way to success. If you need additional training, you can get it from a compassionate teacher.

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It's time to move past a disappointing relationship. Wondering what you could have done to retain someone's love is robbing you of valuable time and energy. You have an opportunity to embark on a far better romance, if only you'd give yourself permission to do so. Part of you is afraid of what will happen if you learn from past mistakes. In real life there is no such thing as the perfect partner. Be willing to let someone new into your heart.

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Stop striving for perfection. Let yourself relax and have fun, especially if you've just taken up a new hobby. You have to give yourself permission to be a beginner if you're going to gain mastery over this skill. When you make mistakes, vow to learn from them. Don't hide your errors from the world. A helpful teacher will come forward and show you how to improve your technique. If you're looking for a job, seek one with an element of creativity.

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Carry yourself with confidence and dignity, even when people poke fun at your contributions. Radiating self assurance will make your critics seem petty and stupid. Yes, some of your ideas are unusual, but they are also compelling and worthy. By putting them into practice without getting defensive, you'll build a sizable following. Pretty soon, the people who were so quick to mock you will be singing your praises. Throwing a party at your home will pave the way for a passionate romance.

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Family life has prepared you for certain challenges. You have no trouble juggling several duties at once, mostly because you had such a demanding upbringing. Being able to preside over more than one job will make you a valued member of your community. People know they can rely on you to deliver a perfect performance, even when there is much work to be done. Be sure to answer all emails, texts and voice mails. Someone is relying on information only you can give.

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Recently, you haven't felt confident about your intellectual abilities. People who are better educated have been stealing your thunder. Take this as a sign you have to fill in the gaps of your education. Sign up for a class and don't be afraid to admit your ignorance of certain key subjects. The more open you are to learning, the easier it will be to move to the head of the class. Your teacher will appreciate your determination to get ahead.

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Fear of financial insecurity is stopping you making a dream come true. Sometimes you have to take a chance to realise a higher aspiration. Playing it safe will only make you tired and miserable. Onlookers will accuse you of wasting valuable time and money. You'll have the last laugh. A well connected friend will find you a job that allows you to make money while developing a creative project. Don't look this particular gift horse in the mouth.

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