
Your career prospects are very strong. Although your best friend or romantic partner isn't encouraging, you should still pursue your dream job. You'll be empowered by work that gives a sense of purpose and meaning. You have the potential of building something of lasting value. Don't squander this talent. Working for a bank, corporation or large government agency will give you a chance to move up the ladder to success. Be willing to start small and climb your way to the top.

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Things are looking up for you on the legal front. If you have a chance to settle out of court, do it. You'll get a fair deal and avoid all the hassles of a lawsuit. Have you been unfairly treated? Go to an agency that offers free legal advice. This will give you a realistic expectation of your prospects. Sometimes it's better to let a grievance go. Other situations demand restitution. Find out what kind of problem you're facing and then act accordingly.

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Letting down your defences paves the way for happier, healthier relationships. Take this opportunity to discuss your hopes, dreams and fears with someone you love. Your willingness to be vulnerable will inspire their compassion. You'll be able to form a united front and deal with the challenges ahead. Best of all, you'll get all the encouragement you want to pursue a lofty goal. Raising your standard of living is a distinct possibility so long as you make radical changes to your routine.

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Let a roommate, relative or romantic partner take the lead. Deferring to them will take the pressure off you. Sometimes you get emotional about domestic chores. You're so intent on achieving perfection that you become anxious and irritable. Stop setting impossibly high standards. Sit back and relax instead. You may be pleasantly surprised by the choices your friend makes. Contrary to what you might think, your taste has made a strong impression. Claim your rightful title as a trendsetter.

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Someone who is close to your heart needs to be pampered. Put down what you're doing and lavish them with affection. People who don't know how to show their appreciation often wonder about your social success. You're an incredibly loving person who knows just what to do to make others feel valued. That's why you have so many lasting relationships. This is your chance to cultivate a greater sense of closeness. Tell a demanding employer they'll have to wait for an important project.

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You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. If you're trying to train a romantic partner to do more household chores, encourage their every attempt. Criticising their skills will only create resentment. Are you looking for love? Relax your demands for an ideal partner. Keep an open mind instead. Someone who is radically different from your fairy tale dreams could enter your life, taking your breath away. Exploring this unfamiliar path could be an adventure of a lifetime.

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Your family gives you a welcome sense of grounding. You can handle any situation with your nearest and dearest by your side. If you're thinking again about a decision you need to make, ask a respected relative for advice. Be open to their guidance. They know your strengths and weaknesses. If they see a gap in your logic, they'll tell you. Be willing to trade financial success for spiritual fulfilment. There's more to life than working around the clock. Take time to appreciate precious things that don't carry price tags.

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Getting your impulses under control is critical to your success. Although you yearn to splash out on some indulgences, it's better to put your money away for a rainy day. Building your savings will allow you to purchase a home or car. This secure foundation will ease your worries and make it easier to take risks in other areas of life. Being able to take a job that reflects your interests is the ultimate luxury. You'll also experience a greater measure of freedom in your love life.

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You'll get lots of support and understanding from your loved ones. You're ready to embark on a grand adventure. Whether this means earning additional qualifications, writing a book or taking a spiritual journey is immaterial. The important thing is for you to move towards your dream with confidence. Success is virtually guaranteed with a helpful person in your corner. When you become consumed by doubt, ask your friend for encouragement. Together, you can move mountains.

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You can be spontaneous without fear of reprisal. Instead of obeying conventional wisdom, follow a crazy impulse. You won't be sorry. Someone in authority won't be happy with your offbeat behaviour, but that's their problem. Your peers will be delighted with your willingness to break the rules. If you yearn to take a long haul holiday, make your reservations now. A change of scenery will renew your enthusiasm for life. It's important for you to change gear from time to time.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Letting a friend lavish you with tender loving care is a good idea. Nobody is fooled by your lone wolf act. They sense your need to relate to others. Instead of getting defensive when someone offers help, be receptive. Opening your heart to humour, comfort and generosity will rock your world. A generous gift that solves your financial problems is well deserved. Stop questioning your luck and give thanks for it. This is just the beginning of a very prosperous cycle.

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In the past, people accused you of being an impractical dreamer. This has made you reluctant to share your plans. The last thing you want is to be ridiculed. Fortunately, friends have become a lot more supportive. They realise you have the ability to spin straw into gold. If you have a marvellous idea for a business partnership, put it in motion. Teaming up with someone who has a reputation for impeccable taste will put you on the path to success.

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