
If you're restless and at a loose end, do something to cheer yourself up. Someone you were relying on for a lift or to get you into an exclusive place might let you down at the eleventh hour. Since they were trying to be helpful, you could say it was the thought that counts! Then again, since they didn't follow through on their offer you may wish they hadn't made it in the first place.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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The shift from independence into sharing your world will come naturally to you if you are in a new relationship. Someone new has arrived in your life. If you are single, sharing creative ideas will be the first indication of how you are on the same wavelength. A pleasant day is in store as a new romance or friendship begins to flourish. There will be a lot of fun things to do and plenty people around who want to do these with you!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You resent it when those you are working with don't take their responsibilities seriously enough. Since you don't intend to be anyone's door mat you might pull out of a joint enterprise. Someone may accuse you of being impetuous but you have actually given this a lot of thought. You would rather end this commitment now before you get in too deeply and others who aren't as dedicated get to benefit from your hard work.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You will give sympathy where it's due but you won't suffer fools gladly. Someone is annoying you with their moans and complaints. You will find a way, today, to stop them from feeling so sorry for themselves. Whether you introduce them to those who are less well off or who are suffering in other ways what you will do is let people see they have so much to be glad for. Instead of whining all the time they should be counting their blessings.

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People who are trying to help are probably hindering progress and getting in your way. It isn't that you aren't appreciative of those who want to lend a hand; you would just rather get on with some jobs without interference. This isn't such a good day if you are working within a team or on a joint venture. Your problem isn't due to people being uncooperative, it's just the opposite: they are too helpful today and too many cooks may well spoil the broth!

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Check all messages regularly; an email or text message received will hold an urgent request or important information. From start to finish the day could be a rollercoaster ride of emotions. A passionate person takes you by surprise and when you tell them their conduct has left you flabbergasted you will be speaking the truth. This is a tricky time to deal with disturbing issues as your emotions could cloud your judgement.

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Be mindful of where you put things today, don't leave your car illegally parked and watch your belongings. You might feel restless and slightly irritable and because your mind isn't always on what you're doing, it will be easy to lose a treasured item or make a costly mistake. If you feel betrayed, deceived or as if someone has been deliberately hiding something from you, do your best to keep emotions under control.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You might spot something early in the day that doesn't look right or it may be out of place. Your next question should be: has someone deliberately set this up or is it a genuine mistake? Could a boss or senior work colleague be testing you in some way? Proceed with caution if you aren't certain how others expect you to react. It may even be someone is hoping you will show discretion by taking prudent measures to rectify the situation.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A fair weather friend lets you down when you thought you could trust them. You never asked yourself how effective they would be when the storms came because they always gave the impression of being cool and in control. Their slowness to respond to your requests for help puts you in a difficult position. It will be a neighbour or colleague you don't know very well who comes to the rescue.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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What you sense more than anything after a setback or defeat is everyone's resolution to be resilient. You are proud to be a member of a supportive team and no matter how long it takes, you feel sure that together you will all go far. People you haven't really understood in the past are easier to get along with now. Despite some slight disappointment, this can still be a productive and promising day.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Not everything you try will be a success; be prepared to go down the odd blind alley. Even if some things don't work out at least you can say you tried. You may not have the qualifications, skills or experience to feel confident in some areas. That's no reason to think they aren't for you. Take a class to learn something new or brush up on existing skills. A travel choice should be made this evening.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A friend's fun loving nature makes you nervous; you can't decide when they are being serious and when they are joking. Be warned, you've always been a sensitive person and today you might interpret the simplest situation as being more complex than they are. Have you considered what's at stake if you over react and let all your uncertainties show? Those who aren't in the mood to take life too seriously might find your touchiness unnerving.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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