
Beware of the company you keep, for it has a strong impact on your feelings of self-worth. If you're surrounded by wet blankets your naturally optimistic view could grow dimmer. Romantic relationships are especially susceptible to meddling. Someone who has a troubled history could try to talk you out of a perfectly good alliance. Turn a deaf ear to this advice. In fact, it may be best to distance yourself from this pessimist altogether. This isn't the most favourable time to lend money, either.

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You could be given an important project, but are unclear of how to execute it. The person in charge probably doesn't know how to go about this job, either, which is why he delegated it to someone else. In a situation like this, there's no other recourse but to do the best you can. Fortunately, your determination helps you pass such tests with flying colours. Just make sure you get the proper credit for this work, lest your boss steal your thunder.

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People have a way of pretending to know more than they really do. So before you enlist the aid of a so-called expert, look into their background first. You might be surprised at how much someone exaggerates their credentials. It's especially important to check up on doctors, lawyers, and anyone else who wants to be entrusted with serious work. If you're asked about your own education, be honest, as you wouldn't want to get caught in a lie.

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If there's anything you treasure, it's your privacy, and someone seems to be threatening it now. Before you assume the worst, consider the possibility this person just wants to get to know you better. You have to admit it: that shell of yours is pretty hard. If this relationship is going to go any further, you need to be a little more open. That can be a scary prospect for a shy character like you, but risks are necessary in life.

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You've always had a tendency to put your loved ones on pedestals, but enough is enough! A man you admire can't withstand your unconditional support. If your friendship is going to survive, you need to allow this person to make mistakes. Stop making excuses for their shortcomings, and don't blame others when he falls short of the mark. Yes, it's nice to be admired and appreciated, but nobody likes to be idolised, because they'll eventually fall short of the mark.

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Ignoring your body's signals is always a mistake, but it's a particularly bad risk for you. Your system is like a finely tuned instrument. If the slightest thing goes wrong, the results are devastating. If you've been feeling an annoying twinge or nagging ache, consult a health professional immediately. You may respond best to someone who specialises in holistic therapies. Learning relaxation techniques can also be beneficial for you. Meditation, yoga, and hypnosis are all worthy paths to try.

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You're an incurable romantic, which probably explains why you feel the need to save people. Keep in mind such projects rarely work out, no matter how good your intentions are. The fact is, people don't change until they are ready. If you know somebody who is struggling with substance abuse, you can recommend a recovery programme. Until your friend undergoes treatment, though, it may be best to keep your distance. Otherwise, you may just enable their bad behaviour.

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It's not necessary to share all of your thoughts and feelings with relatives, so don't. Somewhere along the line, you learned family was supposed to be a source of unconditional love. Well, that may be true in theory, but it rarely happens in practice. If you really want to tell someone about the real you, choose a compassionate friend. Your household situation may be a bit murky now. Wait until tomorrow to clear up any confusion about rent payments or mortgage agreements.

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This not a good time to enter into agreements, formal or otherwise. Someone could quote you a price and then turn around and charge you double. Alternatively, a misleading clause could be added to a contract, thereby compromising your freedom in some way. Of course, it's always wise to submit legal papers to a lawyer for review, but you may even want to wait before consulting such a professional, lest the confusing planetary energies cloud their judgment, too. Nobody's safe now!

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Don't let your self-worth get caught up in your earnings or achievements. This kind of thinking is a trap that can lead to great unhappiness. Try appreciating your life for what it is - good, bad and indifferent. The fact is you're luckier than many other people in the world. As for those who are more fortunate than you, it's always possible you could be the recipient of their generosity. Remain open to whatever goodness the Universe has to offer.

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Pretending to be someone you're not could get you into trouble today. The fact is people are putting their faith in you. If they think you've misrepresented yourself in some way, it will take a long time to get back in their good graces. Cheerfully admit to any mistakes you've made in the past. If you're forthcoming about these problems, everyone will be more apt to trust you. Don't be afraid to disagree with an authority figure's political views, either.

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Secrets have a way of coming out at the most inconvenient times today. If you've been harbouring a shameful piece of information, it may be best to go public with it. Otherwise, you could destroy a loved one's trust. If someone has led you astray, let this be a lesson that you can't take everybody's word at face value. It's always wise to do a bit of independent research into someone's claims, especially if all the facts don't seem to gel.

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