
Professional success can be yours if you're willing to make some changes to your work habits. Forming good relationships with colleagues is a critical component. Although you prefer working alone, it's sometimes necessary to rely on your fellow workers to get things done. You don't have to like the people in your office, but you should treat them politely and respectfully. Being rude only undermines your own performance. Try mending any broken fences that exist between you.

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You will pass a relationship test with flying colours. You have no problem relieving your partner of dreaded chores, if it's for the sake of a happier household. In fact, one of your favourite ways of experiencing love is when others perform thoughtful gestures like this. That's why you don't hesitate to jump into action when your amour asks for an indulgence. If you're single, you could embark on a serious relationship with someone who stimulates your intellect and excites your imagination.

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Making the best use of your time at work brings pride and satisfaction. You have a tendency to be distracted, which cuts into your bottom line. By improving your powers of concentration, you will nip this problem in the bud. When you're working on a project that needs tremendous focus, tell gregarious colleagues. Ask them not to interrupt you for a certain time period. At first, they'll make light of this request, but when they see you're serious, they'll give you the privacy you want.

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Stop suppressing an urge to express yourself creatively. A hobby like painting, writing or playing music may sound like a waste of time, but it actually is one of the healthiest things you can do. As a Water sign, you've been blessed with a vivid imagination. Finding an outlet for your artistic impulses will be liberating. Don't be surprised when you attract romantic attention through your work. You're never more attractive than when you reveal your inner artist to the world.

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You're ready to make some life changing advancements on the home front. If you've always wanted your own place, now is the time to find one. You'll be able to find the resources you require to live quietly and simply. Although your new dwelling won't have the lavish touches you enjoy, they will come in time. The important thing is to take that first step towards independence. If you live with your family or amour, take this opportunity to carve out a private niche in your household.

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Lots of pressure is being put on you to produce ideas. Fortunately, you're up for the challenge. It gives you pleasure to bolster a proposal with facts and figures. A helpful librarian can direct you to some good resources. Chances are you already know where to look. If you're offered an opportunity to teach or write for a living, take it. You have a gift with words that will bring fame and acclaim. If you suffer from shyness, think about getting hypnotherapy to remedy the problem.

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Boosting your self worth is as simple as spending more time alone. Solitary pursuits that give you pleasure like reading, writing and meditating will make you less dependent on others. They will also put you in touch with your own wants and needs. Instead of looking to others for direction, you'll begin to trust your own impulses. That's a gift that will keep on giving. If you want a raise, this is a good time to ask for one. Be sure to emphasise your past achievements.

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Projecting a serious, mature attitude wins the confidence of others. Don't be surprised when you're put in charge of a large group. You're able to get the most work out of people without making them feel discouraged or demoralised. That's because you're willing to roll up your sleeves and do little jobs yourself without complaint. If you're unhappy with the way you look, think about launching a diet or exercise regime. Ask your best friend to keep you accountable.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Facing your demons is necessary if you want to rise up the ladder to success. In the past, you've sold yourself short, believing you're not talented enough to occupy an important position. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just because you're a jovial person doesn't mean you aren't executive material. Experience has taught you a great deal. If you lack formal training, take this opportunity to add to your skills and qualifications. You'll get much better jobs as a result.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Superficial relationships are a waste of time. You have better things to be doing than hanging out with people who fail to excite and inspire you. Some people will accuse you of being a snob after breaking off several relationships. This sort of thing is getting you down. If you want to expand your social network, join a professional organisation. This will put you in contact with people who share your interests, hopes and dreams. These are bonds worth cultivating.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Building a secure foundation in your public life should be your first priority. If you're in an industry that no longer holds interest for you, make a change. You might have to take a job at a lower salary, but the sacrifice will be worth it. You're not the type who can thrive in a job that doesn't captivate your imagination. Are you unemployed? You can get your foot in the door of a desirable company by working as a volunteer. Pretty soon, you'll be offered a paid position.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Coming to terms with self defeating attitudes is important. You're a lot more capable than you realise, only painful memories of your school days are holding you back. Now you're older, you can find a teacher who resonates with your learning style. Some additional tutoring will whet your appetite for a promising line of work. You might even decide to work or study overseas. The more varied your experience, the more desirable you will be to the job market.

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