
A computer, phone or appliance will cost more than you expect. Instead of putting off this purchase, go ahead and buy it. Doing without this essential item will cause more aggravation than it is worth. Fortunately, you'll have a chance to earn some extra money. A job working with the public will be good for you. Share your advanced knowledge and know how. The public will respond favourably to your unorthodox ideas. You're an innovator who generates excitement wherever you go.

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Domestic pursuits bring you a great deal of happiness. Although you and your family don't agree on many issues, you do share a fondness for each other. By refusing to discuss controversial subjects, you cultivate a satisfying life together. Arrange a special outing for the younger members of the group. This festive occasion will never be forgotten. It's important to take time away from regular responsibilities to count your blessings. The whole group will remember this event fondly for years.

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You'll get some wonderful news via social media. Take this opportunity to celebrate with friends. Lately, you've been working so hard that you've lost sight of your personal life. It's time to adjust your focus. You've been blessed with a keen intellect that needs lots of stimulation. When you obsess over a single area of life, you become irritable. Abandon your routine and have some fun. There will be plenty of time to get back to business after you've relaxed.

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Your financial situation is improving by leaps and bounds. A friend will notice this affluence and ask for a loan. It's best to turn down this request. The last thing you want is for money to interfere with your relationship. If you want to help someone, give resources as a gift without any expectation of return. That way, you won't be disappointed. Feel free to invest in a new computer, smartphone or professional wardrobe. Any purchase designed to further your career is strongly advised.

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You and your employer are working at cross purposes. If you're unclear about their instructions, ask for help. The last thing you want is to scrap a project because of a misunderstanding. Fortunately, your love life is a welcome haven from professional life. Ask your amour for tender loving care when you become overwhelmed by responsibility. Are you single? You will meet someone special at a concert, play or sporting event. Don't let small differences keep you apart when you should be together.

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Someone in a position of power is thinking of giving you a promotion. That's why it's vital to keep your nose to the grindstone. If you are all caught up with your work, turn your attention to background tasks. Sort through your files and get rid of anything you no longer need. Tidy your office area and streamline your email account. If you see a colleague struggling, come forward and offer to help. Your willingness to work as part of a team will result in a big raise.

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Traveling with a group of friends will be a welcome change of pace. Being surrounded by people who love and appreciate you will be empowering. Don't be surprised when you're inspired to pursue a dream you've had since childhood. Your loved ones have bolstered your confidence. Thanks to your support, you feel like anything is possible. Instead of second guessing yourself, you'll move forward with complete assurance. Whenever you confront an obstacle, you'll vault over it.

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A deep desire to achieve prominence and recognition causes you to work harder. Getting advanced training, working as an apprentice or practicing a valuable skill will help you secure a great job. You're not the type who can be happy in a routine job. You want work that feels spiritually meaningful. If that means entering a competitive field, so be it. You'll have to pay your dues before landing a secure position, but the sacrifice will be worthwhile.

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Prevailing in a legal matter will make it easier to relax. Once this problem is out of the way, you can focus on your career. If you're asked to assume more responsibility at work, accept the challenge. You'll do a wonderful job and acquire valuable skills along the way. There won't be much time for fun and games in your personal life. Be prepared to pour the majority of your energy into professional matters. This is your chance to land a prestigious position that cultivates financial security.

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A passionate relationship causes you to reconsider your priorities. You're no longer intent on achieving career success at the cost of your personal life. Spending more time with your amour will make you happier and healthier. You'll also become much more creative on the professional front. Instead of doing things by the book, you'll begin developing imaginative approaches to your duties. You might even develop a new product or service that is a tremendous hit.

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Your family doesn't approve of your choice of romantic partner. Don't let relatives interfere with your love life. Although you respect your kin, they shouldn't have too much influence over decisions that don't involve them. If someone dares attack your amour, make sure to defend them. Sitting idly by while your loved one is attacked will do terrible damage to your relationship. Make it clear where your loyalties are. Giving in to pushy manipulators will only make you miserable.

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It will be difficult to communicate with a colleague who is overwhelmed. Instead of asking them for clarification, stay out of their way. You can figure out how to work without their input. Your boss will be impressed by your initiative. Don't be surprised when you're handed a plum assignment as a result. The Universe is poised to reward you for a job well done. Some of your fellow workers will be jealous of your advancement. Hopefully, they'll take a page from your book and become more proactive.

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