
It's tempting to put all of your faith in one person, simply because it relieves you from making painful decisions. Before you do consider how much pressure you'll be putting on your relationship. When it comes right down to it, you need to take responsibility for your own decisions. There's nothing worse than asking someone's advice, carrying it out, and being disappointed. By all means, use respected friends as sounding boards, but keep their influence in perspective.

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A glamorous seducer could prompt you to do something rash. It's so exciting to be noticed by a person of this calibre. Consider, though, how your actions will affect others, especially if you're in a committed relationship. In the event you are single, ask yourself whether you are truly attracted to this person's spirit, or if it just feeds your ego to be in their presence. You have a difficult decision to make, particularly since you're such a sensual person.

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Work upheavals are wreaking havoc with your personal life. Your first impulse may be to cancel personal plans to satisfy your boss, but that may not be a good strategy. If you set this precedent, others will feel free to call upon you whenever the mood strikes. You need to create boundaries with authority figures, or your loved ones will feel resentful. Worst of all, you'll be drained of valuable energy. Put your own needs first for a change.

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A pursuit of pleasure could end up backfiring in unexpected ways. Beware of spending too much time away from your desk or taking an extra long lunch hour. An incredible opportunity for advancement could slip through your fingers, simply because you weren't vigilant about your duties. Take extra care to serve people well, even if it means inconveniencing yourself. You never know who is observing your work. If you're seeking employment, be as conservative as possible with potential employers.

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Indulging a lover may be the wrong strategy, particularly if you want to take your relationship to the next level. Demand the respect you deserve, even at the risk of breaking up altogether. If you're expected to pay this person's bills in exchange for their affection, something is drastically wrong. Stop making excuses for their behaviour. Contrary to what you might think, there are plenty of other fish in the sea. And these fish don't come with a price tag!

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Looking the other way at a relative's lazy behaviour is causing more work for you. At some point, you need to have a serious talk with this person. If this person threatens to withdraw their affection from you, wish them well and continue on with your life. Such ultimatums should have no place in a loving relationship. It's especially important to consider the impact this family member is having on your health. Some relationships just aren't worth the stress.

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Troubles involving your body image could be plaguing you right now. Holding yourself up to some impossible ideal will only cause you grief. Naturally, it's important to be healthy, but there's a difference between choosing nutritious foods and obsessing over your calorie intake. Whether you eat too much or too little, you need to explore your motives. Do you really think all the pieces will fall into place once you hit that magic number on the scale?

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Fighting over finances happens in most relationships, but today's argument could be quite revealing. Perhaps one of you thinks the only thing you bring to the table is money. Maybe the other believes their only contribution is cosmetic. Whatever the source of this conflict, the two of you need to sit down and address it. Be honest about what each of you takes from this partnership. The answers may surprise you. Single? Explore your beliefs regarding sex and money.

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A lack of consideration is wreaking havoc with your home life. Don't belittle a relative or roommate's desire for security. Although their behaviour may seem anal, it could be a means to compensate for your irreverence. Conversely, you probably experience this person's concerns as cloying. There has to be a middle way, just for the sake of domestic harmony. Vow to improve in two areas that are vitally important to your partner, and ask for the favour to be returned.

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Your peace of mind could be shattered by an insensitive comment. Before you let this remark spoil your entire day, consider its source. It's entirely possible the person who made this pronouncement wanted to throw you off balance. Your calm capability is threatening to people who have yet to develop their talents. By exercising compassion for such characters, you'll maintain the upper hand. Yes, it is sometimes difficult to be generous towards mean spirited people, but the rewards are ultimately worth it.

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Friendship and money don't mix, especially today. Loaning or borrowing funds will lead to bitter resentment. If you need some financial assistance, weigh up all of your options before approaching a loved one. It may be better to ask for a gift than request a loan, particularly if you're not sure if you can repay this sum. In the event someone approaches you for funds, consider how this will affect your relationship. Also, can you really afford to offer such help?

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Your desire to do things your way won't go over well with the powers that be. In fact, someone in authority seems determined to take you down a peg. Before you start to retaliate, consider how your behaviour is affecting the rest of the group. Is it fair to ignore the rules if everyone else is following them? Could there be a good reason for the limitations imposed on you? How can you benefit from following orders? These are all questions worth asking.

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