
Don't let your ambition prompt you to behave in selfish ways. You can get ahead without stabbing others in the back. If you're in line for a job interview, try not to be too formal. Giving a prospective employer a glimpse of your humour. It's possible to be simultaneously professional and personable. Your perspective employer is looking for someone who can work well with others. Being cold and standoffish could result in a missed opportunity. Emphasise your ability to work as a team player.

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Although you don't share someone's beliefs, you can still respect them. Having a wide variety of friends will expand your own horizons. It will also make you more kind and compassionate. The world is filled with a wide variety of people. When you only mix and mingle with those who share your outlook, you cut yourself off from interesting perspectives. Forming a relationship with someone from a different cultural background will cause a minor scandal. You'll secretly revel in the drama.

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It's difficult to feel close to someone who always has their guard up. Instead of trying to get them to drop their reserve, turn your attention to a favourite hobby. You have better things to do than seek someone else's approval. When the object of your affection realises you are no longer pining for them, they'll change their tune. Suddenly, they'll become very attentive. This is a sign this relationship requires lots of work. True love shouldn't involve elaborate games.

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Don't let someone with a powerful personality shove you into the shadows. You are just as important and gifted as this pushy individual. By sticking to your guns, you'll command respect. This is your chance to land an important job. Accepting a prominent position will establish you as a unique and powerful leader. Instead of playing second banana to a narcissist, you'll meet them on equal ground. You'll easily outperform this rival, thanks to your keen emotional intelligence. You're much better at reading people than your opponent.

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If you're going to keep things on an even keel, you must go for an attitude adjustment. Lately, you've been dwelling on your resentment towards someone you work with or meet on a daily basis. The more you focus on their flaws, the harder it will be to work together. Turn over a new leaf. Begin focusing on your boss's good points. Silently thank them for being in your life. The sooner you bless your circumstances, the faster they will improve. The position you once hated will become a source of pleasure. Stranger things have happened.

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Stop putting yourself down. Improving your self-image will turn your luck around. Start repeating positive affirmations in front of the mirror. You'll feel silly at first, but eventually these uplifting statements will hit their mark. Instead of denigrating yourself at every opportunity, you'll celebrate the progress you've made. It will become easier to reach goals and pursue exciting challenges. When you believe in yourself, you'll attract all the luck, love and creative opportunity you desire. Start acting like your own best friend.

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A power struggle with a relative has drained your energy. Stop getting pulled into this drama. The sooner you walk away from these arguments, the happier you will be. Think about relocating or getting your own place. Having a harmonious home life will make you more adventurous. You'll become more friendly and open. If you're looking for romance, you'll find it easily. Embarking on a relationship with someone who is radically different from you is a distinct possibility.

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Instead of scheming and plotting to get ahead, take a straightforward approach to success. You're highly focused and passionate. By pouring all your energy into achieving a goal, you'll surpass everyone's expectations. Stop worrying about people who have impressive degrees and lots of money. They're no competition for you. Don't be surprised when you are chosen for a desirable job. It's obvious you are the right person for this position. You possess all the talent, drive and energy your new employer desires.

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Don't place too much emphasis on material matters. You can be perfectly happy with your current income. It's simply a matter of blessing your circumstances. Fill your free time with the activities you enjoy. It doesn't cost much to travel, study and write. Adopting a joyous attitude will turn you into a money magnet. Suddenly, the lucrative jobs that were elusive will become readily available. Landing a position with a high salary will be satisfying, but life's simple pleasures will continue to bring the most satisfaction.

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Trying to control others will create resentment. It's easier to catch flies with honey than it is with vinegar. Begin looking at things from an authority figure's point of view. Their approach to business might seem erratic, but there is a method to their madness. Instead of insisting on doing things your way, give their way a try. You'll be delighted by the results. Sometimes it's a good idea to follow orders. This is one of those situations.

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Secret enemies are causing problems. Someone who is jealous is spreading rumours. This is causing acquaintances to look at you questioningly. The best way to put any doubts to rest is to continue doing your best. Instead of worrying what others think about you, channel your energy into turning out impressive work. There's no argument about your talent. Everyone knows you are gifted. When they see you are calm, cool and collected whilst performing your duties, all the scandalous stories about you will wither and die.

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Lending money to a friend will destroy your relationship. People don't like being indebted to one another. Even if you forgive this debt, there will be tension between you. The best way to help this loved one is to offer moral support. Lending a sympathetic ear will give them the courage they need to move forward. You could also alert them to any moneymaking opportunities that would be appropriate for them. Give them an opportunity to make their own income.

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