
Professional responsibilities are becoming oppressive. It's time to strike a healthier balance. Spending more time with your family will be a powerful reminder of why you're working so hard. Making more of an effort to attend a child's performances and games will pave the way for a better relationship. If you live alone, do your best to create a support network consisting of friends, neighbours and colleagues. Even an independent person like you needs a loving and supportive home life.

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Adopting a more open mind towards other belief systems is a healthy step for you. Casting judgment robs you of valuable energy. It keeps you from forming relationships with helpful people. It also makes it more difficult to find solutions to problems. Be open to taking advice from people whose life experience is much different from yours. Their insights will put you on a more rewarding path. If you're being bullied for your own views, it's time to set a boundary.

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Problems with taxes and insurance are making you nervous. Instead of trying to solve this matter yourself, enlist the aid of a money expert with a good reputation. A professional who knows how to reduce debt and recoup payments will restore your economic equilibrium. Learning to make better use of your resources should be your first order of business. Take a course in personal financial management. This will help you make better choices and allow you to fully enjoy the fruits of your labour.

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You're frustrated with an indecisive person. Resist the temptation to push them into a decision. You are not in charge of their life. By assuming responsibility for their choices, you will become immersed in their problems. Continue to observe their life from a distance. Feel free to offer advice when you are asked. Other than that, focus on your own dreams, hopes and desires. Once you start moving forward, your partner may feel inspired to follow your lead.

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It's important to protect your health as you would any other precious possession. If you are run down and sick, scale back your work schedule. Take time off your job and concentrate on recuperating. Have you been suffering from a nagging ache or pain? Go for a medical consultation. A simple adjustment, like avoiding particular foods or changing your sleep regime, will make all the difference. Don't be afraid of the diagnosis. Being in the dark will cause more stress than knowing the truth of the situation.

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Keep privileged information under wraps. You will be sorely tempted to share this news with others, but this will create trouble. It's imperative to maintain your reputation as a trustworthy confidante. When the truth comes out, explain why you did not reveal it. Some people will be angered by your silence, but most will understand your decision. You're in a no-win situation. Err on the side of keeping a promise to someone who asked you to protect their secret.

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A power struggle with a relative is stopping you from realising your career goals. If you're dependent on a family member for financial support, it's time to break free of their influence. Living on your own and supporting yourself will be challenging but worthwhile. You may have to take some boring jobs at first, simply as a means to become established. Soon, you'll move on to bigger and better opportunities. If your kin have been overly dependent on you for financial support, it's time to cut the cord.

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Don't get involved in a physical relationship if you lack affection for your partner. You may think your bond is based in fun, but your amour feels differently. There's nothing wrong with holding out for love. Although you are wary of making a commitment, you'll change your mind when you meet the right person. Keep an open mind and don't send mixed signals. Are you in a serious relationship? If you want to spice up your love life, take a renewed interest in your other half's hopes and dreams.

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You must get a greater measure of control over your finances. If you have a partner who spends irresponsibly, maintain separate bank accounts. That way, you can protect your resources. It's important for you to have a financial cushion against adversity. Your amour doesn't understand this and prefers spending income as soon as it arrives. Until you forge a compromise, your life together will be challenging. Are you single? You don't need to wait to get into a serious relationship to buy a home.

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You're determined to do things your way but this simply isn't possible. Instead of issuing ultimatums, be ready to make a compromise. Refusing to back down will damage relationships and harm your reputation. When you take a few steps back from this conflict, you'll realise that you are being led by your ego, rather than common sense. The sooner you relinquish your pride, the faster you will reach an agreement that works for everyone. At that point, you'll make real progress towards a goal.

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A secret enemy is creating problems for you at work. If you're continually made a scapegoat, it's time to make some changes to your work routine. Simple precautions like emailing people when you complete a task or regularly checking in with your manager can protect your reputation. If you've had difficulty finding a job, take a second look at your list of references. Is it possible that one of the people on your list is bad mouthing you? Think carefully.

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A fair weather friend is not worth keeping in your social circle. You're tired of being expected to drop everything and come to a troubled person's rescue. You are a loyal and loving person. When others take advantage of your generosity, you become closed off and suspicious. The best way to maintain your open heart is to surround yourself with people who have always been there for you. It's better to have a small circle of devoted pals than have an extensive network of casual acquaintances.

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