
When you feel like you have something worthwhile to offer, you attract enriching work opportunities. Build your self-esteem by making a list of all your talents, and then read it every day. This will encourage you to seek out a position that makes you feel useful, wanted, and appreciated. Don't worry if there are gaps in your knowledge. You can always acquire the skills you need. Just keep an open and optimistic heart.

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Abandoning yourself to social pursuits isn't irresponsible; it's smart. You love fun too much to exclude it from your daily life. Put chores aside in favour of an enjoyable outing with a lover or child. Better yet, focus on a creative project you've been mulling over for some weeks. There will plenty of time to attend to the dull details of life later. Make the most of today's festive planetary energies; they will be fleeting.

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A caring home environment helps you withstand any financial pressures you've been experiencing. Think of this period as a good lesson in money management. By devising ways to make your funds stretch farther, you'll be in a wonderful position when your income rises again. In the meantime, turn to your relatives for kindness and support. Playing cards and board games is an inexpensive alternative to expensive nights out.

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Be selective about the company you keep, particularly when it comes to work. Surrounding yourself with the most talented people will only enhance your own performance. A harmonious visit with a sibling, neighbour, or friend is a good way to wind down this evening. It's nice to be with like-minds who understand your needs instinctively. Let somebody do something kind for you, particularly if you're tired or overwhelmed.

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It's wonderful to experience improved financial fortunes, but watch out. You need to put a percentage of these earnings into savings if your prosperity is to grow and continue. Opportunistic people may come with their hands out, asking for help. Ease your guilty conscience by writing a cheque to your favourite charity every month. That way, nobody can accuse you of being selfish, and you won't feel like your money has been wasted.

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Embarking on a program of self-improvement feels tremendously satisfying. You're tired of waiting for good fortune to find you; you're ready to look for it. Begin by being less critical of yourself. Recite positive affirmations in the mirror each morning. These cheerful sayings will sound horribly syrupy at first, but in time, your subconscious will start to accept that you really are a worthy and talented person.

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Spending some time on your own can give you the courage to make a big change in your personal life. Breaking away from a failed relationship, venturing into a new line of work, or dropping a hopeless fa ade are all possibilities. Once you take the first step toward your future life, the next ones will be much easier. Those who want you to be happy will support you, while false friends will fall away.

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A loved one may recommend a group or organisation that changes your life. Be sure to follow up on this suggestion now, while you're feeling optimistic. You may be amazed at how much easier it is to realise goals once you join them. Too often, you put the weight of the world on your shoulders, assuming everyone is unwilling or incapable of handling such a load. This assumption will be proven wrong today.

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An authority figure is in an exceptionally good mood, making this an opportune time to ask for help. Getting a raise, promotion, or expense account should be relatively easy. Alternately, you may decide to become your own boss. Developing productive work habits is the key to running a profitable business. Start looking into ways you can market your services from the comfort of your own home. It's easier than you think.

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Listening to an expert's advice on relationships could pay off in a big way. You need to be less critical of a loved one if you want your bond to flourish and grow. Demanding perfection from human beings may be a way to compensate for your own shortcomings. Think of things you can do to make your beloved more valued and appreciated. Romantic gestures and offers of practical help are both needed right now.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Withdrawing from family responsibilities won't solve your problems with particular relatives. You need to face these issues head-on, or they will begin to affect other areas of your life. If it's unhealthy to maintain contact with your kin, write letters to the people involved, clearly stating your problems. That way, you will have made your feelings known while avoiding a destructive confrontation. Manipulators need to know you won't stand for their abuse.

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Dwelling on matters from the past will only make you confused and depressed. You need to plan for the future. Signing up for a course, taking a trip, or writing letters can keep your mind focused in the right direction. Don't listen to anyone who bears grudges. All you have to do is look into these people's eyes to know they are unhappy. Take the opposite approach if you want to find your bliss.

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