
Your body and mind are deliciously linked today, giving you a strong physical attraction to brainy types. If you're looking for a mate, you could find one at a book club or a sporting event. In the event you're already in a relationship, you could gain a fresh appreciation for your partner's mind when they propose an efficient solution to household problems. Resist the urge to butter somebody up with extravagant compliments; always be sincere.

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Throwing money at a problem could actually make it worse, so find another path. Spending more time at home will improve all of your relationships, especially a romantic one. Children are also eager to do more things with you, so be sure to give them plenty of time and attention. Working with your hands puts you in touch with your sensual side. Invite a love interest to help you with a craft project.

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Preoccupation with personal matters puts a damper on a romantic relationship. Pay more attention to your partner, even if it means pushing your own needs and interests to the side. Creating domestic harmony should be your first priority today. You can do this by expressing interest in your partner's area of expertise. If you're not in a relationship, you could begin one with a teacher or mentor. Philosophical types really turn you on.

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If you're looking to make extra money, you may want to take on a teaching job. You have plenty of marketable skills. Taking on a few students in your spare time will help you reach some lofty financial goals. Word-of-mouth could turn this enterprise into a full-fledged career. If teaching doesn't appeal to you, writing may. Your sense of humour is well-suited to comic novels. Spend a few solitary moments scribbling down ideas.

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A loved one is behaving in insensitive ways, causing you tremendous frustration. Rather than letting your anger build, try going your separate ways today. Working on a business plan is a great way to channel your energy in a positive direction. You're never sexier than when you've got your teeth sunk into a big project. Don't be surprised the evening ends with a passionate encounter between the sheets.

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You're very clear and concise about what you want, but an authority figure is wilfully misreading you. It's possible this woman is envious of your talents and wants to take you down a peg. Instead of feeding into her negative energy, exercise compassion. This will give you even more power, enabling you to work around whatever obstacles are thrown in your way. When in doubt, take the high road.

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Retreating from the social scene may be a good idea for the next few weeks. You need some time to recharge your intellectual batteries. Too often, you spend your time solving other people's problems when you need to be formulating your own plans. A friend may offer you a chance to earn some extra money by teaching. Seize this opportunity immediately. A whole new career path could become available.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Thinking in terms of what is best for the group will draw good fortune your way. People trust your leadership abilities, and may even encourage you to take charge of group finances. You may have to be aggressive about getting certain members to raise their performance level. Never fear; other members of the team will back you up. Don't resort to bribes or you will lose respect. Just give praise where it is due.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You've got plenty of great ideas for promoting your talent. This is your big chance to take your career to the next level, whether it means revamping your CV or putting together some attractive work samples. Furthering your education will have marvellous results for you. Apply to any universities or programs that can draw you closer to your dream job. A romantic partner may not be especially supportive fearing your relationship will change.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Discussing intellectual subjects like religion, politics, and culture will be tremendously stimulating. If you want to stay sharp, though, you'll have to avoid rich foods and intoxicating drinks. Otherwise, your energy level will drop just when you need it most. Don't be afraid to pursue a mysterious person who has a spiritual bent. They'll welcome your romantic overtures. This promises to be a very exciting day in more ways than one.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Discussing taboo subjects with a romantic partner gives you an electric thrill. You love testing the boundaries of social convention. If you long for a physical release, invite your partner to act out a fantasy with you. In the event you are single, beware of pairing up with somebody who puts down your interests and hobbies. You need a mate who supports your passions. Athletic go-getters are a good bet right now.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your communication skills are at an all-time high, allowing you to connect with interesting people. You're especially drawn to brainy, conservative types. Don't let a pushy authority figure negate your feelings. You do your best work when you have an outlet for your emotions. Expressing your anger is especially important. Shouting down your tormentor will be a tremendous satisfaction. Give yourself permission to let loose!

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