
A secret romantic infatuation could be driving you to distraction. This is especially troublesome if you're already in a relationship. Perhaps your partner isn't giving you what you want. If that's the case, you need to make your desires known. Otherwise, how can your mate compete with this fantasy figure? If you're footloose and fancy free, work out why you're drawn to this dream lover. Is this person unattainable in some way?

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Excessive pursuit of pleasure could get you into trouble with friends. You're so intent on satisfying your urges that it's easy to forget an appointment you made long ago. Double-check your calendar before embarking on a shopping spree or romantic rendezvous. You're probably better off mixing with pals, anyway. It's easy to overindulge right now, and the last thing you want to do is max out your credit cards.

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An upset at work could shatter your calm, making you feel embarrassed and awkward. Don't bother making apologies; anybody else would do the same thing in your position. The best thing you can do to restore confidence is to keep moving forward. Once the public sees you're not going to let this situation bother you, they'll stop dwelling on it, too. You have the power to set a serene tone today.

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Someone may have an unexpected objection to your plans, which is jarring. You're usually extremely sensitive to other people's feelings, but this concern slipped beneath your radar. If you're really intent on moving forward, simply explain you were completely unaware your ideas would give offence. It may be necessary that you and this person will have to separate while you carry out this mission. Living in a diverse world isn't easy.

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Hidden expenses could ruin a fun trip you've been counting on for weeks. Instead of abandoning all hope of enjoyment, hammer out another plan. You don't have to spend a lot of money to enjoy yourself, especially if children are involved. Going to the zoo, working on a group art project, or putting together a puzzle are all ways you can pull together without going broke. Pleasure doesn't have a hefty price tag.

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A partner could suddenly put a damper on your professional goals. Perhaps they have some news they've been keeping from you, or maybe they've been harbouring secret plans of their own. Whatever this announcement, you should see it for what it really is: a cry for attention. You need to spend less time on your job concerns and focus on their emotional needs. Otherwise, your plans will never get off the ground.

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Sudden shifts to your daily routine could disrupt a course of study, which is extremely frustrating. You can't help but feel you wouldn't be in this mess if somebody had been better prepared. Feel free to confront this person about their irresponsible ways. They need to understand others are feeling the consequences of their bad behaviour. Pretending you don't care will only encourage further mistakes.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A heady relationship could be based on sex more than anything else. Consider whether you really want to embark on an affair that's ultimately devoid of any emotional fulfilment. There's nothing wrong with giving in to your sensual side, but you need to consider your partner's feelings. Are you leading this person astray by spending so much time together? If so, you need to pull away before things get too deep.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A chaotic home environment may be undermining a close relationship. If your current living situation isn't giving you the privacy you need, you may want to move to a hotel until things calm down. You may even decide to pack up and move. Make whatever sacrifice you need to rescue your romance. If you don't have a sweetheart, it may be because your living conditions can't support such a partnership.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A neighbour or relative's lack of consideration could cause your temper to rise. You're tired of being treated as a bothersome afterthought. The best way to remedy this situation is to vent your anger in a clear and straightforward manner, and then go your own way. Forcing a relationship with such a person is costing you valuable time and energy. Devote your time to folks who give you the respect you deserve.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A change in your financial situation may force you to scale back vacation plans. You may have to call off an expensive trip or a romantic getaway. Although this comes as a bitter disappointment, it's important to make the best of this bad situation. Make an alternate plan that will afford your loved ones pleasure. If your partner or child sees you're not giving in to depression, they won't either.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Uncontrollable impulses could be creating problems at home; you need to settle down. Subjecting friends and family to your whims is only alienating you from the group. Maybe the reason your emotions are so erratic is you refuse to take responsibility for certain problems. Until you take action, this situation will continue spiralling out of control. You need to stabilise these mood swings.

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