
Going head to head with a powerful mentor can be really intimidating, even for you. On some level, you feel as if you're out of your depth with this person, since their knowledge is superior to yours and you feel deep down inside that their approach is wrong. Show respect for this expert's insight, but stick to your guns. By the end of the day, you could very well prevail. Even if you don't, you will still have been true to your beliefs.

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Money can be an emotional topic today, especially with regard to a love interest or child. You may feel inadequate if you can't afford to lavish your beloved with all sorts of expensive gifts. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The greatest thing you can give this person is your time and affection. Yes, it can be awkward explaining your financial straits. Ultimately, though, it's better to be honest than put up some grand facade. The truth will come out, anyway.

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A power struggle between you and a partner proves emotionally draining. On some level, you feel as if your friend is just trying to maintain their dominance, which makes you resentful. You're happy to pitch in where needed, but you're not going to act like anyone's slave. Asserting yourself may look like insubordination, but it's really a means to retain your dignity. Be prepared to walk away if voices become raised or tempers start to flare. It's better to be safe than sorry.

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You could be forced to go above and beyond the call of duty, which really angers you. You're tired of being given all of the work and none of the glory. Wait until tomorrow to give your employer an ultimatum or your emotions could get the better of you. Try not to push your body further than it's able to go. While it's admirable that you want to get into shape, you need to respect the limits of your current physical condition.

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Losses through financial speculation are likely if you're not careful; getting rich overnight is highly improbable. You're better off putting a long term plan into place. This project may require you to live beneath your means for the next few months and while you hate depriving yourself, the sacrifice will be ultimately worth it. Your best bet for earning a fortune is pouring all of your energy into a favourite activity. Someone who has had success in a similar field proves a worthy ally.

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A relative may be putting undue pressure on you. Although you hate confrontation, it may be necessary in this case. Your family needs to realise you are an individual. This means you will do things that are not necessarily in keeping with their values. So long as you are acting from a place of integrity, there is no problem. Beware of doing things just to anger your nearest and dearest. This will hurt everyone involved, including yourself.

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You may feel as if you're sleepwalking through life. If you blurt out someone's secret, make an immediate apology. The person whose trust you betrayed may not forgive you at first, so be prepared to be frozen from their circle for the immediate future. A writing project affords a welcome opportunity to vent your anger and frustration. It feels like you're not able to be honest with anyone. No wonder it's hard to socialise - there are too many taboo subjects!

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Someone may be trying to manipulate you by withdrawing financial support. If there's anything you can't stand, it's this kind of underhanded behaviour. Refuse to fall prey to this behaviour, even if it means exposing yourself to public embarrassment. People are far more likely to be sympathetic if you break the news first. Pretty soon, your tormentor could be begging your forgiveness. Try to be more merciful towards them than they were towards you. It's all about creating good karma.

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You may be called upon to smooth a ruffled woman's feathers; it feels a little like parenting your own mother. Just because she's in a position of power doesn't mean she is mature. Your peers probably have a lot more respect for you than they do for this lady. If you play your cards right, you could soon take her job. That shouldn't stop you from being as compassionate as possible, though. This lady is probably just out of her depth.

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You have an almost visceral dislike of a teacher and while you can't pinpoint exactly why you find this person so distasteful, the fact remains that it is a challenge to work together. By adopting a positive, 'can do' attitude, you'll be able to turn in good work with a minimum of fuss. Hopefully, your superior performance will enable you to choose a better instructor. Until then, try to make the best of a bad situation, even if it means smiling through clenched teeth.

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Peer pressure is taking a toll on your health and usually, you're immune to this kind of behaviour, but today it feels as if you have to choose between airing your feelings and insulting your friends. Why not shelve this decision until tomorrow, when you'll be thinking more clearly? In the meantime, you need to treat yourself with kindness and compassion. Treat yourself to some comfort food and a good movie. If you don't do it, nobody else will.

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You may have to act like a hypocrite when dealing with an authority figure today. It's not like you have a choice - this woman simply refuses to hear the truth. Don't bother justifying your behaviour to peers. They've been through similar situations before. Let this be a lesson to you the next time you're tempted to pass judgment on a colleague. Quite often, we're forced to assume distasteful positions at work, just for the sake of survival.

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