
You've had difficulty climbing the ladder of success. A traditional company or organisation rewards those with more conservative methods. Starting your own company will allow you to achieve the prominence you desire. You've been blessed with a vivid imagination and tremendous energy. These qualities will lead you to spearhead an operation known for its vision. Replicating models has no interest for you. You'd rather venture into unknown territory. Go for it. An overseas investor can give you the start-up money.

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You've become disillusioned with conventional beliefs. The old way of doing things has left out people with new ideas and fresh energy. By associating yourself with these hopeful individuals, you will go far. The chance to travel on business will give you a new lease on life. You'll realise there are many more options available when you experience different cultures. There's a strong possibility you'll move overseas. A more leisurely way of life appeals to your sensual side.

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A traumatic loss makes you reluctant to make new friends. Don't let an untrustworthy person give you a dim view of humanity. An outgoing person is eager to make your acquaintance. A casual meeting will be much more fun than expected. It will be so nice to be with someone who shares your love of adventure. Instead of arguing about where to go and what to see, you'll be able to choose from several delectable options. Sometimes changes occur to put you on a better path.

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It feels like you're always having to make sacrifices for a friend or relative. Stop feeling pressured to give your time, effort and money to this irresponsible pest. Although they have many good qualities, they have become overly reliant on you. The sooner they learn to fend for themselves, the better your relationship will be. You have a rare opportunity to pursue a dream career. Pour your energy into this opportunity, even if it means leaving your loved one to their own devices.

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Never underestimate the importance of the mind-body connection. If you don't feel well physically, cultivate happy thoughts. Watch some funny movies, treat yourself to some creature comforts and surround yourself with positive people. Nothing speeds the healing process like happiness. Pursue an opportunity to travel with an eccentric teacher. Your studies will cultivate even more upbeat energy. Are you single? Don't be surprised if you fall in love with a fellow student. It will be difficult to resist the charm of someone with an alluring accent.

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Your self-esteem will experience a setback. Don't take disappointing results to heart. The important thing is you tried. Subsequent efforts will be more successful. The key is to treat every attempt as a learning opportunity. It's admirable you want to render a flawless performance. Remember that perfection only comes after lots of practice. Give yourself praise for being persistent. Eventually, you'll hit upon the winning combination. At that point, you'll reap financial and emotional rewards beyond your wildest dreams.

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Try not to be too rigid with a relative whose priorities are different from yours. Imposing your beliefs on a loved one will cause tremendous resentment. It's better to ask questions about their plans and offer lots of moral support. By stepping out of their way, your family member will exceed everyone's expectations. Don't be surprised when your love life improves when you stop interfering in other people's lives. Channel your energy towards someone who yearns for your attention.

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You're shy about speaking to a large group. Being forced to defend your progressive ideas fills you with dread. Instead of assuming everyone will be against you, adopt a more optimistic view. When you radiate positive energy, scepticism will turn to enthusiasm. Invite people to collaborate on a moneymaking idea. Making your community a more prosperous place is a proposal everyone is willing to support. The more inclusive your vision, the more popular it will be. Pay special attention to an underserved population's concerns.

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Don't let fear of poverty guide your decisions. The Universe is endlessly abundant. By tapping into its bounty, you'll never feel a sense of lack. The key to cultivating the abundance you desire is to count your blessings. Being in a state of gratitude will attract the money and possessions you desire. A sudden opportunity to travel will fall into your lap. Accept this offer with open arms; this adventure will barely make a dent in your bank account. It might even lead to a lucrative job.

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You've been working so hard that it is hard to summon energy for household responsibilities. Instead of pushing yourself to shop for groceries, do laundry or tidy up, delegate these tasks to relatives or roommates. Do you live on your own? Treat yourself to a delivery or cleaning service. This will give you time to rest and will benefit someone who could use your business. If you've been struggling with a long commute, you could find a new home that's much closer to work.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're hesitant to follow a creative impulse. You're afraid you won't do justice to this brilliant idea. Stop talking yourself out of an activity that will make you happy. In the beginning stages, there will be struggles. That's only natural. By continuing to work through your discomfort, you'll have a series of breakthroughs. Someone who admires your vision will come to your aid at the critical moment. This is a sign you are destined to succeed. Have faith and assume everything will work to your advantage.

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You're reluctant to try different approaches, preferring to stick to tried and trusted methods. Don't be so quick to turn down a job in an unfamiliar field. After accepting this assignment, you will be delighted to discover some hidden talents. You're much more adept at technology than you realise. Entering a different industry will put a lot more money in your bank account. Use some of these earnings to travel. Taking a trip around the world will be a wonderful reward for taking a risk.

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