
It's difficult to trust yourself when you're surrounded by negative energy. Fortunately, friends and family are encouraging you to take a big risk. By relying on your loved ones for strength, it will be much easier to make the changes you need to move forward. You're about to make some surprising realisations. That's what happens when you venture out of familiar territory. Leave the past behind and embrace the future.

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A new friendship with an unusual, interesting person helps you express yourself more freely. It's a relief to be around somebody who doesn't care what anybody else thinks. Basing decisions on public opinion has not worked in the past. It's time to tune in to your emotions and use them as a catalyst for action. Working towards a cherished dream will be no problem at all once you tune out everybody else's voices.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Original and engrossing professional opportunities are coming your way. If you're forced to choose between making a big salary and having a fascinating job, pick the latter. Fortunately, you'll probably stumble across a position that affords lots of money and plenty of interest. There will probably be a technological element to this job, which pleases you to no end. You've always loved being on the cutting edge.

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Reforming a flawed institution will be enormously fulfilling. You've been blessed with considerable executive ability, which prompts people to sit up and take notice of you. Don't be afraid to get tough with people who try to avoid responsibility. If you don't get satisfactory answers from a certain quarter, make an appointment with the person who holds the highest position in the entire organisation. A last-minute capitulation will have you dancing with joy.

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Undergoing a drastic change of values and goals makes lots of sense right now. Recently, you've noticed your current lifestyle isn't affording you any happiness. By letting go of certain beliefs drummed into you as a child, it will be easier to engage in the activities you love. Furthermore, you'll start attracting the sorts of people who soothe your spirits and engage your intellect. You can't ask for anything better.

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Embarking on a relationship doesn't mean giving up your freedom. In fact, having a partner can actually liberate you in unexpected ways. For instance, wouldn't it be nice to have someone to help you with work or household responsibilities? Sure, you'll have to make a few compromises along the way, but that's better than struggling under a mountain of duties that are too much for you to handle. Going solo is overrated.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Beginning a new line of work is favoured, particularly if you're bored of your daily routine. Offer to switch jobs with a colleague or look for a position that is unlike any you've ever held before. A woman in a position of authority could set you up with the ideal situation. Be ready to jump into action quite suddenly, as this opportunity could arise as the result of a last-minute emergency.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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An exciting romance will turn your world upside down, but you're the last person to complain. You're overdue for some excitement, and today is filled with all sorts of lovely surprises. If you're already in a relationship, your partner may whisk you away on a glamorous vacation. Don't worry about household responsibilities; these can wait until after you've returned. You've been waiting for this playtime. Make up for the loss now.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The sudden inspiration to launch a home improvement project could overtake you today. You're anxious to make some changes to your household routine, and altering your surroundings is one sure fire way to do this. Giving yourself more room to grow will ease the mounting stress in your personal life. While you're at it, get rid of any clutter that's accumulated over the past few months. Donate useful items to charity.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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New neighbours will inject a welcome dose of excitement into your life. Your friends will introduce you to hobbies that make life a daily adventure. Don't be surprised if you begin going on a series of small trips with these people. Venturing into unfamiliar territory will show you different ways of living that are most inspiring. Cast all judgments aside and keep an open mind. A fresh beginning is in the works.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Focusing on your favourite people and activities will result in a handsome windfall for you. That's because contentment breeds financial success. Stop listening to cynics who say you have to devote your life to unpleasant tasks in order to generate wealth. The fact is, it's much easier to make a fortune when you're happy. You'll see this principle is true today when you earn a nice sum of cash from doing something you love.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're willing to sacrifice security for personal freedom, which has some exciting results. For one thing, your daring attitude may attract a sexy admirer who completes you in unexpected ways. If you're already in a relationship, you may decide to conceive or adopt a child. Alternatively, you could start making money from your creative work. Any way you slice it, you're sure to experience luck after venturing beyond your comfort zone.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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