
Your enthusiasm and vitality make you extremely attractive. If you're looking for love, you will surely find it. It will be hard to resist the charm of a youthful adventurer. An accomplished expert is also intriguing, but you'll fare better with someone who won't hesitate to venture into unfamiliar territory with you. If your family doesn't approve of your partner, don't worry. Eventually, they'll accept your choice. Living your life for others is an exercise in futility.

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Building castles in the air is so much more pleasant than dealing with reality. Take this opportunity to indulge in some sensual pleasure. Splash out on some toiletries, take a long nap or go flower shopping. Beware of someone who heaps you with compliments. They've got ulterior motives. Although you love showering your friends with gifts, you don't want to be adored for your money. Hold out for friends who like you for who you are, not for what you can buy.

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Rely on logic when sorting out a problem. A friend will try to make an emotional appeal to you. This will only complicate matters. You have an opportunity to form a powerful alliance. Although your loved ones won't approve of this partnership, it will serve you very well. You need an insider to help you realise some professional goals. Stick closely to their side. Resist the temptation to spend money you don't have. This is a time to conserve your resources.

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A strong sense of responsibility causes you to bow out of a pleasurable outing. You'd rather catch up on work than fritter away time with friends. Beware of this tendency to pour all your energy into obligations. It will make you tired and miserable. Give yourself at least one small treat, whether it's a trip to the cinema or a delicious meal. Fortunately, your diligence will pay off in the form of a wonderful assignment. This job will allow you to exercise your creativity.

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You want to be on the move. Planning a long trip fills you with excitement. Don't be afraid to go off the beaten path. Exploring a remote scenic setting will be lots of fun, because you will hardly know what you will find around the next corner. If you're in a relationship, your bond will grow stronger as a result of this journey. Being in a strange place has a way of making people drop their defences. This could be true for you and your partner.

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A deep desire for a serious relationship will cause you to take a risk. Confessing a crush will trigger a passionate response. It feels wonderful to be desired. Friends will be resentful of your new relationship. Suddenly, you won't be available to attend to their needs and listen to their problems. Don't feel guilty. It's been too long since you were indulged. Fortunately, your amour will enjoy pampering and petting you. Stay close to their side; you'll flourish in their company.

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Your best friend or romantic partner needs tender loving care. Take this opportunity to run errands on their behalf, prepare their favourite meals and plan special outings. Your care and consideration will work like a tonic. Don't make the mistake of shirking your work responsibilities for the sake of love. It may not be possible to get time off during this busy season. Therefore, you will have to strike a careful balance between your professional and personal lives.

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Practicing a craft will be rewarding. This is a great time to cook, build furniture or make jewellery. If you paint or sew, stock up on supplies. Creating things that are useful and beautiful gives you a thrill. Someone will offer to pay you for the fruits of your labour. You might turn down this offer. Mixing pleasure and commerce has always been tricky for you. It's important to have hobbies that are purely for pleasure. That way, they never seem like work.

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Entertaining friends brings out the best in you. If anyone knows how to have a great time, it's you. Although you hate fussing with minor details, you do enjoy creating a fun atmosphere that invites everyone to let loose. Enlist the aid of a meticulous and experienced friend to plan menus, shop for supplies and issue invitations. Don't feel you must spend more than you can afford. You don't need to break the bank to enjoy the many and varied pleasures of life.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Creating security for your family is your first order of business. Whether this means starting an educational fund for a youngster or finding care for an ailing relative is immaterial. The important thing is to attend to the needs of your loved ones. As far as you're concerned, the whole point of work is to provide for those closest to you. Status symbols are all well and good, but they won't offer the long term pleasure that a happy household will.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Advancing your education is rewarding. The more knowledge you have under your belt, the more empowered you feel. You'll have an opportunity to study with a respected expert with quirky teaching methods. It will take some time to get used to their whims, so be patient. Not only will you be mastering techniques, you'll be learning to become more versatile. This is incredibly valuable, as you have a tendency to get stuck in ruts. Don't be surprised when your job starts feeling predictable and oppressive.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Having a clearly defined role puts you on solid ground. You're tired of trying to find your way in the dark. If an authority figure keeps giving you a bewildering array of responsibilities, ask for a written description of your duties. This will give you both some clarity. You're meant to be exercising your expertise, not serving as a jack of all trades. The sooner you narrow down your responsibilities, the easier it will be to find time for social pursuits.

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