
A legal challenge makes you absolutely furious, but there's little you can do about it. This is one of those times when you'll have to just sit and take your medicine. Situations like these infuriate you. It's important to find an outlet for all of your rage and frustration. A heavy workout at the gym will provide a welcome outlet. Alternatively, you could turn out a scathing piece of artwork that indicts all the people who are abusing their power.

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It's important to take responsibility for a problem that was partially caused by you. Even though others had a bigger role in creating this disaster, you need to accept your share of the blame. Don't be surprised if your compatriots deny knowledge of the situation. They're just trying to save their skin. The truth of the situation will come out soon, which is why it's better to admit your share of the guilt now, instead of being exposed as a liar later.

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An angry public outburst could change the entire dynamic of a close relationship. Watch your temper at all costs. It's better to walk away from an argument than put your point across. Beware of making accusations against political officials, whether it's on a blog or in a letter to the editor. Your words could come back to haunt you. It may feel like torture to remain silent at a time like this, but your reputation is riding on it.

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A secret love affair or romantic deception could come to light, putting you in an awkward position. You've got to acknowledge your role in all of this mess, even at the risk of damaging a friendship. It's better to let the victim know the truth of the situation than defend your actions. For while you may not have been directly involved, your participation made this trickery possible. Resist the urge to tell an expert how to do his job.

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You'll have to take a greater measure of responsibility, no matter how much it pains you. In the past, a business or romantic partner may have done all the dirty work in your relationship. That's about to change. You need to be the one who delivers bad news, even at the risk of damaging your popularity. Before you put up a fight, consider how your golden reputation resulted in tarnishing the name of your associate. A child's manipulative behaviour needs to be nipped in the bud.

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An important job could fall through the cracks, throwing a wrench into future plans. Instead of heaping blame on everyone else, consider how you have contributed to the problem. It's possible you didn't give clear instructions, or failed to follow up on a friend's progress. A failure to answer an email or phone call could have also been a factor. A loved one's combative behaviour is having a negative impact on your household.

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Beware of using your powers of seduction to gain influence with a vulnerable person. Although your goals may be noble, they don't justify deceiving someone who trusts and admires you. Traffic or a power failure could prevent you from getting important information out in a timely fashion. Be prepared for a neighbour or sibling to take out all of their anger on you. This is one of those days when it's probably best to stay in bed and keep the blankets over your head!

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Looking the other way will do more harm than good to a relationship. It's possible that a lover, business partner, or relative is suffering from substance abuse or mental illness. If you don't come to terms with this problem, you could be implicated in a terrible accident. It may be necessary to issue an ultimatum. Be prepared to cut off your relationship in the event this person refuses to reform. Sometimes tough love is the only way to get the message across.

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Beware of overindulging in food or drink, as this could dull your senses and cause you to say something you'll later regret. If you've caused offence, issue an immediate apology. Don't underplay the seriousness of your remarks, or it will seem like you aren't taking the problem seriously. Treat an angry relative with tenderness and consideration. Countering their rage with nasty behaviour will only deepen the resentment that's been building in your family.

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Your fun could be costing someone a lot of money. Consider whether it's a really smart idea to ask a loved one to pay for an expensive dinner or gift. It's possible this person is too afraid to tell you your request goes beyond the limit of their budget. Think twice about asking a friend for a special discount, too. At times like these, paying your own way may be the only means to preserve friendships. Close relatives may be irritable today.

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Putting a relative up on a pedestal could be an exercise in disaster. This person is feeling the pressure of having to turn in a perfect performance. If you keep treating him like a saint, he's bound to have a breakdown. Offer encouragement, but make it clear you support him regardless of whether he succeeds or not. Beware of spending lots of money to keep up with wealthy friends. No one will think less of you if you can't afford certain outings.

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Get rich quick schemes should be avoided at all costs. Although a friend or neighbour talks a good game, you can be sure this endeavour isn't worth the paper it is printed on. If someone asks you to make a donation to a charitable cause, ask to see some credentials. Don't challenge a powerful person's authority, or you may have to pay a prohibitive fine. It's best to obey the rules today, even if they seem oppressive or unfair.

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