
You're extremely sensitive to a lover or even a business associate's needs, especially when it comes to amusements. Although you usually take the lead in this relationship, it's important to yield to your partner's desires today. In the event you are single, try to be more receptive to other people's suggestions. If a friend wants to try a restaurant that doesn't appeal to you, agree to go anyway. You could be pleasantly surprised.

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Organising a sensible household routine saves you time, money and aggravation. Don't hesitate to delegate responsibilities to other family members, even small children. People may grumble at first, but they'll eventually feel proud of their responsibilities. If you have a roommate, create a revolving schedule of chores so everything is fair and equitable. Live by yourself? Then maybe it's time to hire somebody to do the tough jobs.

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Making your mark on the world is becoming increasingly important. Fortunately, a close associate is prepared to showcase your creative work. And while the prospect of having your efforts displayed before the public is scary, it's also exhilarating. Not everyone will appreciate your vision, but the majority will. If you've always wanted to write a book, now may be a good time to join a class that will keep you focused on your project.

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Home lends a sense of peace and security that is sadly elusive elsewhere. Think about hosting a party as a means to draw friends and family together in a circle of harmony. Although the task will be daunting, you will enjoy creating the menu, guest list and music selections for the big event. A newcomer to your social circle may offer to help you get supplies. Accept this offer with a grateful heart.

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Expressing your thoughts and emotions should be your first order of business. For the past few days, you've remained silent about a trying situation, believing it was better to protect other people's feelings. At this point, though, it is better to contradict someone's false assumptions or bad behaviour. You'll get plenty of support from a female relative or neighbour who has fallen victim to this bully. Your words carry tremendous weight.

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You're very receptive to others, which results in a feeling of abundance. Listening more than you speak, agreeing to try things a new way, and letting people lend their assistance are all advised today. You may feel a sense of renewed closeness with certain members of your family. It's as though you can finally perceive their true motives for the first time. This makes it much easier to forge open, trusting relationships.

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You've got a strong intuition, especially when it comes to how others perceive you. It's possible someone is threatened by your charm, wit and intelligence. Take this opportunity to reach out to this person. Invite them for a coffee, and enquire after their interests. By showing respect for their tastes, you'll lay the foundation for a rewarding relationship. Be sure to follow through on a book or movie recommendation your new friend offers.

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You soak up the atmosphere like a sponge, and fortunately the people around you are extremely optimistic. In fact, someone who has a different background than your own could convince you to try something totally out of character. You may develop such a passion for this activity it becomes a fully fledged hobby. You're starting to realise your sense of prosperity is directly related to the amount of time you spend on your interests.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Working with a volunteer organisation gives you a welcome sense of empowerment. Too often, it's easy to become apathetic when confronted with disturbing news stories. However, putting even the smallest amount of energy towards a worthy cause makes you realise what a tremendous difference you can make. It's quite possible you will be asked to lead a committee. This could mark an exciting new chapter of life for you, one that affords great spiritual fulfilment.

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The father principle plays a great role in everything you do. It may be up to you to establish a set of rules and regulations everyone can live with. If you see an abuse of power, you've got to come forward and challenge it. Otherwise, these abuses will seep into other areas of your public and personal lives. You have a golden opportunity to prove authority is not synonymous with oppression.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You show your affection for others by sharing your knowledge with them. If you're going to be effective in this quest, you've got to be open minded and friendly. Otherwise, people may think you're just being a show off. Praise people's talents and ask them to demonstrate skills you don't possess. That way, the learning process will be more like a two way street than an avenue to ego building.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A close relationship is becoming even more intimate, which thrills and scares you at the same time. On one level, you're eager to take this partnership to the next level. On another, you're afraid of what the public will think of this bond. At times like these, you need to ask yourself whether you are living life on your terms or on other people's. Err on the side of your own happiness.

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