
You don't mind doing things for others. At the same time, there are some people who are starting to take your help far too much for granted. It is time to start looking after your own interests. A repair bill will knock your finances for six. You may have to cut back on your spending if you hope to afford this.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You've thought about making some changes. You may even have filled in applications but nothing is going to happen if you don't send them off. You don't like to be indecisive but change does make you nervous and this is what is holding you back. You need to act on your intentions.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Something that happens will get you thinking about the kind of lifestyle you live, the choices you have made and the decisions that are yet to be made. You might feel you can really be yourself now when recently there has been a part of you that you have been consciously holding you back.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Steps you are taking towards a joint goal will seem to have made a huge leap almost overnight. You will be quick to come up with new ideas and just as quick to act on them. Someone from your past will contact you with an interesting offer and they will be using persuasive tactics to get your interest.

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It's disappointing when someone walks out on a job you took on jointly. You will want to continue even though they don't. You feel under obligation to get on with the work and this could prove to be a big responsibility. Be sure you don't put yourself in a position in the future where the same thing could happen again.

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A decision you now make will be your chance to move in a new direction. Once you rid yourself of hang ups of the past and uncertainties that have been holding you back, a new you will start to shine through. You have faced many obstacles and the way will now be cleared to everyone's satisfaction.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You never expected to get an opportunity to restart a relationship or arrangement that ended some time ago. Having this chance to start over suddenly seems very attractive, not just to you but to the other party. You both seem to look on this with a new sense of hope and optimism. Let your intuition guide you.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A friend will come to you for advice or guidance because they know they can trust you. You have never let them down in the past. Someone who is feeling lonely or uncertain will chose your shoulder as the one to cry on. You might feel they need professional help and may have to point them in the right direction.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You feel there is no choice but to make a specific decision. This could involve a lot of risk. Before sticking your neck out and taking that risk, look again. Is there another option you haven't given yourself time to consider? Look more closely. There is something else you could do.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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People at home or at work are perfectly capable of carrying out the tasks they have asked you to do. They just don't want to or can't be bothered to make the effort. You don't mind getting on with the work but if the same people need a favour from you later in the month, you will be too busy to give them any support.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You don't like to begrudge the way other people seem to use you but it will seem as if you are being left with the menial chores while your boss or senior colleagues get to work on more exciting tasks. Try not to show any resentment for it will be short-lived and your turn will come. Sooner than you think.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You aren't as diplomatic as you usually are. Something is making you irritable and when you are feeling this way you are liable to say things you don't mean. Think before you speak. Count to ten before you react and take care how you state your views in professional situations.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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