
Business involving art, luxury goods and entertainment is highly recommended. If you're looking for work, explore these industries. Alternatively, this would be a good time to make an investment in this field. You have great instincts when it comes to making money. Unconventional choices will pay off handsomely. If you want a promotion, this is a good time to ask for one. Recently, you've been working behind the scenes with little recognition. Now it's time to step back into the spotlight where you can showcase your talent.

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You have never been more popular. People naturally gravitate towards your warmth, charm and humour. If you're invited to a party or casual get together, go. You'll have a wonderful time. It's important for a hardworking person like you to socialise. Having a well balanced life makes you a better friend, colleague and relative. If you've been developing a creative project, tell a fellow artist. They'll help you turn this dream into reality. Having a support system increases your chance of success.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Your career goals are changing. Finding work that brings spiritual satisfaction is critical. Whether this means landing a job with a charity, running your own business or making money from your art is immaterial. The important thing is to earn a living doing what you love. It may be necessary to take a pay cut, but don't worry. Money is no substitute for happiness. Transitioning to a new line of work could take time, so be patient. Take small, continual steps towards your goal.

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Friends will go above and beyond the call of duty for you. It's gratifying to get this support. With the help of your loved ones, you'll be able to embark on a course of study that will improve your career prospects. Gaining expert knowledge will give you a glow of accomplishment. You're a natural leader and will make significant contributions to your field. When your confidence falters, turn to your family for encouragement. They'll help push you across the finish line.

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Attending a professional conference is strongly advised. It's important to make connections with high profile executives. Use your warmth, wit and charm to open doors. Working for a commission will be profitable. You'll easily outsell the competition. It's only fair you get a share of the profits. Are you thinking of opening your own business? This is a good time to get a bank loan. When it comes to offering products and services, quality is more important than quantity.

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Dealing with someone from another culture will be stimulating. You'll be fascinated by their creeds and customs. Being introduced to culinary delights and unusual art forms will stimulate your creativity. Take this opportunity to launch an art project inspired by your best friend or romantic partner. Don't worry if you lack experience. You're good at learning through illustrated 'How To' books and online videos. If you give yourself permission to be a beginner, your talent will steadily develop.

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A gift, grant or royalty payment will soon arrive, giving you more money for luxuries. Indulging in creature comforts brings out the best in you. You're tired of scrimping and saving. Resist the urge to go over the top. A few carefully selected treats will be more enjoyable than a frenzied accumulation of goods. Think about what gives you prolonged happiness: A cashmere sweater, a pack of perennials or a bottle of cologne is preferable to an expensive pair of shoes you'll only wear once.

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Working with the public will be gratifying. People respect your ability to cut to the chase. Instead of hemming and hawing over problems, you dive right in to find a solution. As far as you're concerned, playing the blame game is a waste of everyone's energy. Don't be surprised if an admirer steps from the shadows and asks for a date. You're extremely attractive. If you're already in a relationship, your amour will arrange a beautiful surprise. Prepare to be swept off your feet.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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This is a wonderful time to splash out on new clothes. You'll find some nicely priced items that perfectly enhance your best attributes. Spend a little more money than usual, as these pieces will give you tremendous pleasure. When you look good, you feel good. While you're out shopping, artwork and furnishings could also catch your eye. Furnishing your place with distinctive pieces will be enjoyable. You love putting a unique stamp on your home.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A romantic interlude will put a smile on your face. It feels wonderful to be with someone who admires and adores you. Are you single? Be sure to attend a local gathering spot. You'll cross paths with someone who seems hauntingly familiar. After introducing yourself and talking, it will feel like you've known each other for years. Don't waste time playing games. Ask for a date before going your separate ways. Your confident approach will make a terrific impression.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Hosting a family reunion will be lots of fun. You'll enjoy assembling the guest list, menu and party supplies. If this party becomes costly, ask relatives to throw in some money to cover the costs. They'll be happy to oblige. It's important for you to stay connected with people who have known you for years. These relationships give you a sense of continuity that lends perspective. You should be proud of all the progress you've made it will make travelling down memory lane even more pleasurable.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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This is a wonderful time to advertise your wares and showcase your creative talent. Updating your blog and website is strongly advised. If you don't have an online presence, now is the time to get one. If you lack web design skills, hire someone whose work you admire. You'll be thrilled with the results. Being able to direct would be employers and clients to this page will give you more credibility on the professional front. Work samples, a good CV and a great bio will increase business.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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