
Big financial changes force you to be more resourceful. Be mindful about making luxury purchases. If an expensive item catches your eye, wait a week before buying it. This will stop you from making purchases you'll later regret. Patience cultivates prosperity. It's hard to let down your guard with someone who hurt you in the past. If you're going to trust one another, you must make a new beginning. Forget the past, create a set of ground rules and move forward.

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You've made changes that don't sit well with your nearest and dearest. They want you to maintain a stable environment, but you're determined to stir up things. Listen to your heart. You've outgrown this role and are ready for something new. Trying to satisfy another person's needs is an exercise in disaster. You shouldn't be held responsible for their moods. By staying true to yourself, you'll attract similarly healthy people who are worthy of your time and attention.

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Shocking information will come to light. Once you learn the truth of this situation, it will be clear you were taken in by a convincing story. Let this be a lesson about friendship. When someone's words don't match their actions, there's a problem. Your work environment has become intense. You're not sure if you can tolerate a moody colleague who is always causing problems. Talk with your boss about how their behaviour is affecting morale. It's important they know what's happening with the staff.

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A friend will leave your social circle abruptly. Don't blame yourself for this defection. Some people hide their problems incredibly well. Make it clear you are willing to talk if they change their mind. In a few months, you'll have a discussion that clarifies everything. It's hard to have fun when you feel uncertain about your foundations. This is an important reminder that the only person you can control is yourself. Being your own best friend will help you recover from this upsetting situation.

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Some surprising changes are happening on the career front. Your company could close or your boss could leave the organisation quite suddenly. Although the news will be a shock, it shouldn't cause panic. A better opportunity to make a living will soon arrive. Resist the urge to bury yourself at home. Although it's understandable you want to retreat from public view, you need the support of friends. Call someone who understands your ambitions. They'll have good advice that helps you through this transition.

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A rejection letter from a professional society or university hurts your ego. It's important to keep this bad news in perspective. If you keep looking, you'll find an institution that is a better fit for you. The right opportunity will arrive when you relax. Treat yourself well as you send out more applications. Splash out on some new books, go to a concert and prepare yourself nourishing meals. When you value yourself, the rest of the world will follow suit.

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A source of unearned income isn't as reliable as you would like. If you're going to maintain financial health, you should land a job with a steady income. This will allow you to pay your bills. When windfalls arrive, you can put them into savings. If you're doing work that you dislike, it will negatively affect your earning potential. It's much easier to make money when you do what you love. Any job involving advertising, art or the law is well suited you.

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Someone you love is behaving erratically. You're getting tired of walking on eggshells all the time. Putting your relationship on hold will allow you to understand your feelings. After some time alone, you'll know whether you want to maintain this relationship. Your powerful personality is intimidating. If you sense that people are avoiding you, try to back off a little. Don't ask such personal questions. Instead of picking fights, you should agree to disagree. Be patient about getting to know each other; intimate relationships take time.

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A health problem will flare up. Take it seriously. Getting treatment for this condition will take time. The doctor must run tests to pinpoint the source of the trouble. Be patient and do what you can to get more rest. Someone will try to get you to provide a cover story for them. Don't allow yourself to be used this way. Being implicated in their lie will harm your reputation. In addition, you don't want to cause any more pain for the victims of this deception.

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A temper tantrum will force you to stop what you're doing. Your romantic partner or child is crying out for attention. Although you don't like their method of commanding the spotlight, take it as a sign you should be more engaged in this relationship. Friends aren't very sympathetic right now. When you want to have an open and honest discussion, everybody seems busy. Getting your thoughts and theories down on paper will be a good outlet for your feelings of passion and anger.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your home life is erratic. It's hard to get into a routine when you live with people who are on totally different schedules. If you live alone, you can be transitioning to another work routine. Adjusting to an unorthodox sleeping time will be challenging. The career opportunities you want are not available. If you're going to find a good job, you must improve your attitude. Make peace with where you are right now. Write a list of positive things about your current situation.

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You will have to take an unexpected trip. This will disrupt some pleasant plans. Try not to get overwhelmed. When you feel anxious about handling an emergency, breathe deep and be open to help. The moment you stop struggling, you'll get the assistance you need. Someone who is always complaining gets on your nerves. Don't get drawn into their complaint sessions. Instead, remain relentlessly upbeat. If they don't change their tune, put on some headphones and listen to music instead.

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