
Beware of indulging your extravagant taste. This isn't a good time to rack up a lot of debt. You're better off enjoying inexpensive diversions, like renting a movie or listening to music. When you catch yourself worrying about money, remind yourself you have everything you need at this very moment. Learning to appreciate your blessings will fuel your love of life. It will be easier to laugh and have fun when you're not focused on material matters that don't bring much happiness.

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You have no intention of being pushed around by a charismatic manipulator. Standing your ground will win the admiration of an offbeat individual. Together, you can create impressive works of art that get lots of attention. It gives you great pleasure to make beautiful things people want to buy. If you lack certain practical skills, don't worry. You can learn to make clothes, furniture or jewellery if you put your mind to it. Be patient and let yourself be a beginner.

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Stop pushing yourself so hard at work. If you don't scale back your responsibilities, burnout will occur. Colleagues will resent your refusal to accept more assignments. That's because they've become used to you pulling all the weight. Stop covering for everyone's lazy behaviour. Eventually, your fellow workers will learn to perform the assignments you've been doing all along. A more equitable distribution of labour will give you more energy for hobbies, sports and social pursuits.

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A youngster or loving partner wants an expensive gift. Don't be afraid to refuse their request. You work hard for your money and deserve to indulge your own desire for luxury. Instead of spending every spare penny on them, spoil yourself. Upgrading your smartphone, computer or entertainment centre will be a good investment. You could find a terrific deal at a surprise sale. If anyone tries to make you feel guilty about your purchase, tell them you're worth the extravagance.

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A pushy relative wants you to pursue an undesirable career path. Although you want to please your nearest and dearest, you can't sacrifice your happiness for their ego. Continue to do work that expands your horizons. Any job involving travel, writing or education will be rewarding. You'll have to economise at first, but that won't be a problem. Your urge to shop is diminished when you're having fun. Be open to accepting unusual job assignments and working with unorthodox executives.

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Resist the temptation to repeat gossip. You don't want to make an enemy of a prominent person in your field. By maintaining a diplomatic silence, you'll earn the trust of someone who can help your career. Don't hesitate to accept a job with a low salary. Although the pay won't be impressive, this position will offer considerable fringe benefits. Take this opportunity to gain experience at entry level; you'll have a chance to increase your income later.

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It's difficult not to be jealous of a wealthy friend. Instead of letting envy undermine your relationship, adopt a more generous attitude. Get into the habit of making a gratitude list each day. When you focus on what you have, it will expand. Soon, you'll realise how very lucky you are. Instead of being angry with people who are affluent, you'll feel a kinship with them. You'll rejoice over their good fortune and become a much more giving friend.

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Career demands are draining your energy. Although work will always play an important role in your life, it's important to strike a healthier balance. Spending more time on your private life is critical. If that means putting in fewer hours at the office, so be it. Focusing on the needs of friends and relatives will fill an emotional void that has been empty for a long time. Start planning fun outings that will appeal to particular people. They'll feel acknowledged and appreciated.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It will be difficult to find a job that draws on your expertise. Instead of continuing along this blind alley, acquire some cutting edge skills. Being able to enter a growing industry will give both a big salary and job security. Not only will you be able to get time off to travel, but you'll also have your choice of employers. Working for a company that gives its employees lots of freedom will be stimulating. You're not the type who thrives on carrying out dull routines.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're ready to let down your defences with someone who has shown their loyalty. This friend's willingness to deliver painful truths makes them trustworthy. Although you're destined to have some loud arguments, these conflicts will help you grow. At times, you will be forced to defend your opinions. It's possible you'll be inspired to adopt a more tolerant worldview as a result of this bond. Be open to exploring new ideas and strange vistas. Changing isn't a form of weakness; it shows maturity.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Having the support of your best friend helps you make a bold decision. Starting a writing project will be intimidating. Push past your fear. Being able to express your deepest emotions will be liberating. Some people will be angered by what you say. An arrogant relative will ask you to retract certain statements. Stand your ground. You have every right to tell the unvarnished truth. Anyone who has a problem with your work can develop their own creative project.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A sudden windfall lets you splash out on new clothes. It feels wonderful to update your wardrobe. Pay no attention to fashion experts who claim you should only wear certain colours or styles. Choose whatever makes you feel great. Having an offbeat fashion sense sets you apart from the crowd. Avoid a pushy salesperson like the plague. You're better off listening to your own instincts about what you should buy. This is a time to indulge your desires, not cave to pressure.

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