
You're optimistic where money and romance is concerned, and with good reason. Wonderful things are happening on the home and job fronts. However, it will be hard to express your creative vision, as people are more literal-minded today. Don't bother explaining the premise of your novel or the fantastic idea you've got for a business, because others will be busy tending to their vegetable gardens and grocery shopping. To each his (or her) own!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Although your love life is heating up, you do have some mixed emotions about a partner. That's because your mate doesn't seem to sympathise with some of your ideas. Rather than forcing the issue, try communicating your thoughts and feelings in constructive ways. Find out where this person is coming from before rendering judgment on their behaviour. If you're not in a relationship, you could find romance at a neighbourhood event.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Communication breakdowns and transportation difficulties abound. Fortunately, there's no compelling reason why you should leave home. In fact, you will be better off entertaining people at your place. A stimulating discussion will turn a drab meal into a festive occasion. Buying a household item that is both practical and beautiful is highly favoured. Instead of venturing out to the shops, place your order via computer or telephone. Keep reference numbers and receipts handy.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Occupying a place of responsibility makes you glow all over with a sense of pride. You especially enjoy providing people with luxury services, as it gives you pleasure to watch them unwind. Be very clear about how much money you intend to charge for your work. Print up a list of prices and keep it posted where everyone can see it, or confusion will ensue. Don't feel guilty about charging what you are worth. You deserve to be properly compensated.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Chattering on the phone or surfing the Internet will eat up valuable time. You're much better off dealing with people on a face-to-face level. An additional source of income makes it easier for you to travel. Be sure to plan an exotic trip while you've still got cash in your pocket. A secret alliance works in your favour. Collaborating on a behind-the-scenes venture will benefit both of you, both personally and professionally.

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You're in great demand today and will receive a variety of tempting invitations. Choose the one that has an educational quality to it. You're always eager to learn something new. Beware of a tendency to daydream or you could miss a golden opportunity. Romance flowers at a social gathering. Keep your eyes open for a respected figure that could be considerably older or younger than you are. This could be a love match.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Even though it's the weekend, your professional prospects are looking up. Be sure to dress carefully for a social gathering, as you will come into contact with someone who could land you a prestigious position. You may want to have some business cards on hand, just in case. Being prepared is half the battle. Take care not to blurt out racy jokes in mixed company, however. You never know who's listening!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Remarks you make about a sensitive subject will be taken out of context. It's better to remain silent, even if you're dying to talk about an issue that is close to your heart. Your judicious attitude causes your popularity to soar. People admire your ability to remain cool while everybody else is spiralling out of control. The chance to study with a respected mentor could fall into your lap. Could a degree be far behind?

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Family time is highly favoured, as everyone is in an upbeat, friendly mood. If you're not on speaking terms with certain relatives, this is an ideal time to mend broken bridges. Resist sensitive subjects like religion and politics, as these topics are lightning rods for controversy. You don't have to share the same values to have respect for each other. A blissful sensual encounter will break down your defences.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Making a serious commitment to a lover gives you both a divine sense of security. If you're not in a relationship, keep your eye open for a sexy nurturer who melts your reserve. The two of you balance each other's weaknesses. It's a good idea to keep your finances separate at this point, as you have very different ideas about money. However, you do have lots of artistic interests in common, so focus on them.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Legal difficulties or disagreements make you feel as though you're in a world of reverse logic. Rather than trying to talk reason to someone who is being stubborn, focus on a romantic relationship instead. A love interest is eager to shower you with affection this evening. If you're not involved with someone special right now, look out for an earthy sensualist with a rowdy laugh. Long-term fitness programmes will bring fantastic results; avoid crash diets.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Professional advancement is the happy result of a neighbourhood gathering. Make a point of meeting new people, as someone at this gathering is involved in your dream industry. This person will be impressed by your determination to develop your creative talent. Accept any offer that comes your way, even if it seems menial. Even a minor position will lead to something bigger and better. Be clear about your ultimate work objectives.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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