
You've always had a reputation for being direct, and this will be especially true in the coming weeks. It might be a good idea to temper your comments with humour. It will make helpful truths a little more palatable. Refrain from criticism that does nothing but inflate your ego. You don't need to put other people down in order to feel better about yourself. On the other hand, if someone asks for your honest opinion, don't hesitate to give it.

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It's possible you will be entrusted with several important secrets. Keep a lid on this information, or you will put a friend or colleague in a difficult position. Establishing yourself as a loyal confidante will result in some interesting opportunities. You may be asked to accompany someone on an overseas business trip or organise a special event. No matter what the offer, it will allow you to expand your horizons in exciting ways.

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Keep the doors of communication open with a business or romantic partner. Although you have very different ways of approaching problems, you can help each other. You're very good at attending to small details, while your other half is better off coping with the big picture. When it comes to dealing with customers and clients, you should do the lion's share of the work. Your ability to get along with people is your passport to success.

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If you're looking for work, it's a good idea to acquire some more technical skills. Knowing how to operate the latest machinery and navigate updated software programs is essential to your success. Even if you're happy with your current position, it may be wise to take a course or attend a workshop. Valuable professional contacts can be made at such gatherings. Be sure to heed some medical advice, or a nagging pain could turn into a serious condition.

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People will call on you for your creative expertise. Try not to let all of the added attention go to your head. Yes, your knowledge is impressive, but you are meant to share it with others. Don't be threatened if one of your colleagues or even a neighbour turns into a rival. They will only prompt you to hone and sharpen your skills. Left to your own devices, you might take your talent for granted. Continue to study, learn, and ask questions.

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Powerfully nostalgic memories of childhood take you back to days of long ago. Don't worry about getting all the facts right. The important thing is to tell the story as you remember it. Some family members might object to being depicted in a certain light, so be sure to keep this project a secret or you will be intimidated from developing this wonderful project. Keep in mind that you have a right to your own opinions.

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The next few weeks promise to be very busy. Be sure to pace yourself accordingly. Setting a sane schedule is half the battle. Don't let manipulative people dump their jobs onto your plate. You've got enough going on as it is. Above all, don't fall victim to emotional blackmail. A friend or relative who is always in dire straits could come to you for help. Be ready to turn them away, even at the risk of making them angry.

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You're determined to get paid what you are worth and fortunately, this is an ideal time to negotiate a pay raise with your boss. Arrange a meeting for a time when you feel alert and energetic. Come armed to this discussion with facts and figures to support your claims. When you demonstrate just how much work you've accomplished in the past year, you'll get the salary you deserve. If you are turned down start looking for a more lucrative position.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It may be difficult to concentrate on one project for very long which is why it's a good idea to have several jobs going at once. When one loses your interest, you can divert your attention to another. Don't hesitate to throw your hat in the ring if you get wind of a job opening. Asking a newly single friend on a date is also an option. You'll have to move quickly, because the competition is fierce. Fortunately, you're a fast talker who can close deals at warp speed.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A vivid imagination colours everything you do. Take careful note of your dreams, as they can help you blast through a creative block at work. Putting fanciful touches on traditional forms will prove successful. Be careful about sharing personal information with all and sundry. There may be a hidden enemy in your midst. By assessing people on the basis of their actions, instead of their words, you'll be able to spot this rat before he can do any real damage.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Working with a group keeps depression at bay. You have a tendency to isolate yourself from the group when things go wrong. Resist this impulse, as it only compounds your problems. A sibling or neighbour can be especially helpful. Their dispassionate view of the facts can lend valuable perspective. If you're thinking of going on a short trip, do it. Getting a change of scenery now will help you to withstand the pressures of the holiday season.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You may be a little more withdrawn than usual because you're contemplating your next career move. You're absolutely determined to find a situation worthy of your talent. Be sure to spread the word of your attention among friends, neighbours, and relatives. They may hear of an opportunity that's just perfect for you. Right now, who you know is more important than what you know. Opportunities related to broadcasting, electronics, and social work look potential packed.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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