
Whatever is bothering you this morning it is disrupting your ability to focus on your work. You've never been the type to worry over nothing so why start now? Your thoughts are in turmoil and if someone asks for an opinion, you will be hard pressed to give a sensible answer. This negative atmosphere could be intensified if a person who doesn't know you very well tries to advise or guide you. What you really need today is to be just left on your own!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You're determined to take command of your life even though you know you have a lot to sort out to get it in better order. Being more open with yourself, admitting to your past mistakes and putting these behind you is the first positive step to a new future. You won't be influenced by anyone's cleverly worded recommendations. Just because a prominent person is taking an interest in your dealings, doesn't mean you have to hang on to their every word!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're starting to notice it's in someone's nature to always want more and they're never going to be satisfied. Now you're happy with your analysis of their personality you know if you carry on with this association it is merely for formality's sake; you will never be good friends. It's more important to you, to give love and affection to the people who truly deserve it. Some frank discussion in a close relationship could inspire you to think about exploring new pastures in the near future.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Being alone among a crowd might heighten the sense of affinity you feel with someone you've recently met. Having each other to lean on while in a strange place or with strangers may alert you to a bond which does not depend on any logical reasoning. This is more likely to be spiritual; it's not something you recognise as having shared with anyone before. Some fairly practical plans made today will blend with daydreams, hopes and wishes, all of which are immensely pleasing.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Your determination, realism and energy will help you achieve goals others might imagine for themselves but can never achieve. The path you are now taking has several tracks going off it and you're in the mood to explore them all. Someone is going to be disappointed as they aren't feeling as adventurous or as successful. You intend to keep new relationships uncomplicated to get the best out of a thriving social and business scene.

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You might be conscious of a slight sensation of remoteness in a close relationship. This impels you to focus more on your work and outside commitments. If deep down you wish you could sort out your problems once and for all, how can you expect to do this by repeating the same routine day after day? You need to arrange some quiet time together with no interruptions. The only way you are going to resolve relationship issues is to talk them over.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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New horizons, new contacts and new colleagues are all closer than you think. This may all come about through a fresh direction in your career. Watch for the opening. There will be a waiting period as everything goes through the official channels. Even so, as long as you're flexible and willing to take a chance on something new, you could soon have a lot to look forward to.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Dare you show your feelings and be honest about them when someone asks or do you keep them to yourself? If someone cares enough to show their concern, you might think about being more open. Hiding behind a mask can make it uncomfortable for those who just wish you'd exhibit more emotion. Tension in a close relationship will ease once you start talking and overcoming the emotional barriers which currently lie between you.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The single most important factor to remember when a controversial issue arises is to look at both sides of the situation. You and those you're up against need to sit down and agree on what is likely to be the best way forward. Mutual respect in relationships will facilitate a successful outcome to a difficult situation. You have a winner's mentality and you enjoy a challenge. Where some people might be floundering you feel inspired by today's little altercations.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A bossy colleague might request something from you that is over and beyond the call of duty. In trying to appease them, you could be opening yourself up to attack from others. There is no reason why you should make personal sacrifices for someone you don't even like. Refuse to give in on this one. Stand up for yourself and you could get to see the so called tough and strong people are really the weak ones!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Being constantly in the middle of two warring parties is starting to get you down. An idea for a celebration could turn sour as snag after snag is encountered. While two people who are close to you can't get on, they're spoiling things for everyone. It's true you're starting to tire of playing the peacemaker but today you may come up with a way to at least get them back on speaking terms. You will be glad you made the effort.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Stepping stones between you and a goal require focus and hard work if you aren't to trip up and make a blunder. Obstacles can be made worse through carelessness or a lack of careful preparation. Decide on the steps needed to reach your aim and don't let anyone or anything sway you from your set course. A housemate or relative has different ideas; they seem to think you should go along with them. This is a test of wills; put your foot down and refuse to let them influence you.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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