
You're eager to get to work, but mundane delays keep occurring. Keep busy with personal projects while waiting to get the green light. This is a great time to catch up on your correspondence. Call an old friend who has been on your mind. Write a thank-you note to someone who gave you a beautiful gift. Catch up on bills and process paperwork. By the time you clear your desk, you'll get permission to move forward with an exciting professional assignment.

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It's important to question what is important. Getting drawn into silly arguments with a quarrelsome friend is a waste of valuable time. Draw a line in the sand with this provocateur. Explain you are no longer willing to discuss controversial subjects like religion and politics with them. If they keep pressing the issue, put the friendship on hold. Block them on social media. You should be filling your consciousness with positive thoughts. Anger and dissention keep happiness at bay.

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You'll be asked for your opinion, but don't expect people to take your advice. If your suggestions are rejected, stay calm. Take comfort in the knowledge you are on the record as advocating a particular solution. When the current line of action fails, you will emerge as the hero. Don't be surprised when you're offered a promotion. At that point, you may have already decided to move on to greener pastures. Look for a work environment where you will be taken seriously.

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It's time to face some feelings you have been trying to subvert. Be willing to admit you don't like a relative or are angry at a romantic partner. Do you resent a certain role that has been thrust upon you? Own up to your emotions. The sooner you are honest with yourself, the better. You can talk to a counsellor or confide in a diary. Expressing yourself through a creative project can also be helpful. There's no reason to be ashamed. Give yourself permission to be human.

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People have a tendency to exaggerate. When someone comes to you with a teary story, keep calm. Don't leap to their defence. Instead, ask pointed questions about what exactly was said and the circumstances under which the incident occurred. You'll soon see you're dealing with an oversensitive person who needs to be brought down to earth. Be calm, polite and reassuring. Go out for coffee and pastry. It's wonderful how a calorific treat can smooth ruffled feathers.

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You have an opportunity to take over an important job at work. Unfortunately, you won't get much support from your best friend or romantic partner. Your loved one feels threatened by your exalted position. No matter what you say, they fear your success. Reflect on what this means for your relationship. It's important for you to be with people who want the best for you. Instead of remaining with someone who is clearly jealous, think about moving on to greener pastures.

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You lack the experience to deal with a complicated work assignment. Talk to your boss about the challenges you face. It's better to admit your ignorance than pretend you have everything under control. Eventually, the truth will be revealed. It's better to keep the lines of communication open with your superiors. That way, they can reassign this project without losing time and money. Hopefully, you will get an opportunity to fill the gaps in your knowledge. Keep widening your horizons.

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It will be hard to see eye to eye with a business or romantic partner. Your attitudes to spending and saving seem diametrically opposed. Instead of trying to convert your friend, make a strategic retreat. Work on a solo project you have been neglecting. It will be impossible to resolve your differences when your feelings are still raw from a recent argument. Wait a few days before returning to your subject. Be kind and compassionate. Hurling accusations and recriminations achieves nothing.

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You're getting mixed messages from a partner. Instead of getting defensive, be quiet and listen. Ask questions in a non-confrontational way. Get to the bottom of what is really bothering your amour. Resist the temptation to make fun of their complaints. You have a tendency to make light of serious problems. This helps you cope with stress, but it can cause anxiety for others. By demonstrating a willingness to improve your bond, this tension between you will quickly dissolve.

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A colleague has poor communication skills. This could cause you to make a terrible mistake. The prospect of having to scrap a lot of hard work makes you angry. Bring the situation to the attention of the person who caused it. Explain how their imprecision has undermined your progress. Propose ways to avoid such problems from occurring in the future. You don't have time to reinvent the wheel every time this negligent person forgets to do their job.

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When people resort to calling each other names and mocking each other's beliefs, serious trouble has occurred. Talk to the offenders about how their words are creating an atmosphere of anger and hostility. If the troublemakers don't amend their ways, file an official report. Looking the other way will only cause the problem to spiral out of control. You may not realise it, but most people in the organisation are demoralised by this turn of events.

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Relatives are arguing and you just want to escape the tension. That won't be possible, since everyone demands you get involved. Rather than take a side, describe how all this tension is upsetting you. Give concrete examples of how your work and health is affected. If your appeal to decency doesn't stop people from pestering you, take a solitary holiday. Visiting a quiet resort by the sea will restore your equilibrium. You may decide to break off certain relationships.

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