
Despite wanting to give your nearest and dearest material advantages, that may not be possible and although it pains you to have to deny such requests, you still have something to offer. Spending quality time together is more precious than gold. Make it your mission to lavish children, family, and friends with as much affection as you can muster. A young person is particularly in need of positive reinforcement now.

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Turning your back on your fears is damaging your public persona. People will sense you are being false if you continue smiling in the face of adversity. It's better to acknowledge problems, especially if they affect the whole group. Everyone will have lots more faith in you once you've shared your concerns. Don't hesitate to discuss this matter with your superiors. Together, you can find your way out of this hole.

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Just because someone is an expert in their field doesn't make them automatically right. If you think another approach is needed in a particular situation, speak up. Others might scoff at your concerns, but you will be proven right over time. It's best to go on record now, when you can still take steps to salvage this project. Be compassionate towards someone whose ego is bruised by your comments. Handling criticism isn't easy.

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Someone has been taking advantage of you for a long time, and you must face facts and while you don't like to think you've been na ve, that doesn't mean you were wrong in giving your heart away. Relationships always require an element of risk. By making yourself vulnerable to this person, you were taking a chance on love. Just because it didn't work out this time doesn't mean it won't in the future.

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You've always had a reputation for being very generous, which is a blessing and a curse. Right now, it seems like the only reason anybody reaches out to you is for a handout. Put an end to this situation by establishing firm boundaries. Limit charitable contributions to one or two causes that are close to your heart. Instead of giving friends money, offer practical help instead. This will prevent you from feeling exploited.

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Pay attention to any aches and pains you have been suffering. They could be manifestations of a spiritual crisis. When is the last time you spent time alone? Have you been neglecting your favourite hobbies? How long can you keep postponing your pleasure for everyone else's? You've got to establish some healthier routines. Spending an hour each day on a pleasurable activity will help you feel stronger. So will writing in a personal diary.

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If you're going to meet lofty goals, you've got to take care of business. This means delaying gratification for the sake of something bigger. Stop squandering your resources on expensive status symbols. Save your money to educate yourself, buy a house, or start your own business anything is possible, providing you have a practical plan. Talk to a level-headed Taurus or Capricorn for advice on achieving your aims.

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Living up to your family's expectations is an exercise in futility. You've got to live your own life, even if it means making unconventional choices. Some of your relatives will be shocked by the path you've chosen. Don't bother to make excuses. People tend to be critical when they are threatened. Maybe the person in question isn't happy with their own choices, and is taking out their anger on you. Stranger things have happened.

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You may not be thinking practically about a complex situation. People have different motivations for being involved in this project. Trying to appeal to everyone on a mass level won't work. You've got to deal with everyone on a one-on-one basis and while this will take more time than you anticipated, it's better than letting loners fall through the cracks. Your focus should be the trees, not the forest.

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Comparing your accomplishments and earnings to those of friends will drive you crazy. You're not in a competition to see who gets the most toys. Instead, you're supposed to be developing your unique talents without regard to anyone else. If you've fallen short of certain goals, take a different approach. The more persistent you are, the more successful you'll be. The rewards you'll reap will be more than just monetary.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You may want to check up on a partner's story before moving forward. It's possible this person has some motive for stretching the truth. Maybe your friend is afraid of falling off the pedestal you've placed them on. If this is the case, you need to take a more practical approach to your relationship. The fact is, you both have flaws. By working together, you can draw on each other's strengths and minimise your weaknesses.

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Getting training for your dream career is essential if people are going to take you seriously. Daydreaming about your ideal life is no longer enough. You've got to take practical steps towards this goal. Whether this means becoming an apprentice, attending college, or switching jobs is up to you. Resist the urge to zone out when the going gets rough. Staying focused is the only way you will surmount obstacles.

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