
Realising a childhood dream is as simple as pairing up with a creative partner. You've always been good at initiating projects, but have trouble following them through. Lean on your associate for support when your enthusiasm starts to wane. You could find inspiration from foreign cultures. Don't be afraid to do some research at the library for ways to put an exotic twist on a traditional form. A huge breakthrough is imminent.

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You're more determined than ever to get the training you need to achieve your dream career. Whether this means developing existing skills or venturing into brand new territory is up to you. With your determination, you can move mountains. In the past, you were afraid to face certain challenges. Now you're willing to risk failure for a larger goal. If you don't succeed on the first attempt, you will on a subsequent try.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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There's no question that you've got plenty of brains; now it's time to develop your muscles. If you're looking for love, you could find it while working out at the gym or jogging through the park. In the event you've already got a partner, the two of you may want to work on having a baby. Alternatively, launching a creative project together will increase your passion for one another. Minds and bodies blend beautifully today.

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Achieving financial security is a matter of hard work and sacrifice. Be ready to give up some personal luxuries for the sake of something bigger. Whether this means putting money aside for a house or leaving a toxic relationship is immaterial. The important thing is that you are honest with yourself. The sooner you work towards your goals, the better you'll feel. Get ready for a surge of personal power.

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It's important to be direct with neighbours and siblings if you're going to move forward. You've always prided yourself on being honest. Right now you're struggling with people who aren't willing to hear the truth. Change this destructive dynamic by basing everything you do on love. When others see that you're acting out of affection instead of anger, they'll respond more readily to your concerns. Obey your natural instincts, which are always noble.

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You're tired of going along with a programme that offends your principles. Go ahead and speak truthfully, even if it puts you on dangerous ground. Let yourself feel angry about an unfair situation. Confront a bossy person who has bulldozed over your emotions. Above all, refuse to engage in any activities that you feel are immoral or underhanded. Your defiance will result in some dramatic changes. You're more powerful than you realise.

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Asserting your sexual side is an important component to your emotional health. There's nothing wrong with being consumed with desire; in fact, that's evidence of your vitality! In the event you're not in touch with your sensual needs, you've got to do something about it. Start communicating with trusted people on a profound level. Instead of talking about the weather, discuss matters that really move you. Your passion for life will come flooding back.

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Working behind the scenes is the best way to exorcise your personal demons. Instead of looking to others to validate your feelings, focus on helping yourself. Spending time on activities that give you pleasure will readjust your focus. Too often, you bury your desires for the sake of loved ones. Today is your big chance to obey your instincts. Don't be surprised if you discover an alternate source of income in the process.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Listening to a friend's advice isn't the worst idea in the world. The fact is, you've been avoiding a serious step that is essential to your personal development. Taking a class, breaking a bad habit, or getting in shape are among the possibilities. The more daunting the task, the more worthy it is of your attention. Now is not the time to give in to your fears. Ask for help when panic stets in.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You command authority wherever you go, which comes in handy today. A project that's been languishing needs your attention. Don't be afraid to whip people into action, especially if they've been making lame excuses as to why nothing is moving forward. Some strict standards, coupled with sincere praise, will get the ball rolling again. Take some private moments away from the crowd when you feel overwhelmed. Getting some peace and quiet will restore your spirits.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your optimistic attitude attracts admiring glances from every corner. This is a great day to pair up with a quirky person who tickles your fancy. If you've already got a lover, plan an exotic getaway together. Leave the kids at home and work at work, or you'll spoil what could be an incredibly passionate trip. Friends can be invaluable right now, offering to do chores while you're away. Take them up on these generous offers.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Pushing past taboos for the sake of sexual fulfilment is essential. You're tired of being held prisoner by beliefs that make you ashamed of natural desires. Ask your lover to help you explore your sensual side by acting out fantasies. If you're on your own, you may want to invest in clothing that makes you feel sexy and desirable. There's no shame in drawing attention to yourself, especially when you have so much to offer.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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