
No matter how many facts and figures you use to bolster an argument, colleagues still will not heed your advice. Rather than beating your head against a brick wall, turn your attention to a more rewarding project. A high-profile position will soon become available. Gather your work samples and references and apply for this spot. Taking charge of a troubled division will be rewarding. When you're given the opportunity to exercise your strengths, you're an excellent problem solver.

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People aren't willing to change direction. Although you see the merit in a great idea, everybody else wants to stick with the traditional path. This is also true of relationships. It's obvious you could form a beautiful friendship with an accomplished individual. Their pride is keeping them from seeing reason. Stop trying to convince them of your worth. You deserve to be with someone who adores your kindness, compassion and generosity. Anyone blind to these qualities will just make you unhappy.

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Give someone the benefit of the doubt. Nasty rumours are being circulated. They have little basis in reality. Rather than buying into a juicy story, question the motives of the person who tells it. There's a distinct possibility you're dealing with a jealous individual who wants to undermine a rival's reputation. By refusing to be fooled, you'll take this manipulator's power away. People respect your judgement and will follow your lead. As a result, an innocent victim will be shielded from harm.

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Delivering an inconvenient truth will not be pleasant. People will accuse you of raining on their parade. You're not trying to ruin a good time; you're simply trying to avoid disaster. Anybody with an ounce of perception will see the wisdom of your warning and shut down a dangerous project. Many of your colleagues will blame you for the troubles that result. Let their complaints bounce off your skin as if it were armour. Ignoring the problem will only make it worse.

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It's better to propose an alternative plan than go along with the crowd. People have a tendency to follow tradition, hoping that an old formula will stand the test of time. This type of thinking doesn't take into account who is being left out of the existing format. By making resources more readily available to people on the fringes of society, you'll cultivate great success. It will take some courage to go in a different direction, but you've always been brave.

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You're reluctant to join a large group. It's more important for you to follow your own instincts than operate as part of a team. Developing a creative project in secret will be fulfilling. You'll enjoy making improvements to a time-honoured method. There's nothing wrong with using technology to save time or perfect a technique. Traditionalists may scorn your approach, but that's only because they're jealous of your ingenuity. Eventually, they'll come around to your way of thinking. Patent a brilliant idea.

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Retreating from public view will be therapeutic. You're tired of being scrutinised by colleagues, rivals, bosses and managers. Take a few days off and reflect on your options. Instead of continuing to travel a highly competitive path, think about undertaking a more spiritually rewarding journey. There's more to life than making money. While you're spending time away from your public role, indulge your sensual side. Luxuriate in a scented bath, enjoy a gourmet meal and commune with nature.

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It's only natural to expect loyalty from friends, but you will be disappointed. If you're going to get ahead, you must rely on your own efforts. Someone will break a promise or fail to help you when the going gets tough. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, summon your emotional resources. You have the strength to overcome this setback. By staying focused on your goal, you will achieve victory. Don't be intimidated by a tough talking official. They're no match for your determination.

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You're tired of dealing with a pessimist. Tell this cynic exactly what you think of their gloomy attitude. You have no intention of giving up, even when the prospects are grim. Your 'Can do' attitude will pave the way for future success. Although you might not realise your dreams with this project, you will find satisfaction with another. While you're busy making your own opportunities, your negative colleague will stay mired in their negativity. Don't bother trying to rescue them; some people are happy being miserable.

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You're tempted to fill an emotional void with a shopping spree. Instead of maxing out your credit cards, revert to your existing resources. Dig through your closet and find an outfit you haven't worn in a long time. Instead of going to the movies, play a board game with your relatives. Rather than ordering a fancy meal, prepare some comfort food. Making do with what you already have is tremendously satisfying. Use your savings for something you'll really appreciate, like a relaxing holiday.

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Stop saving cherished possessions for special occasions. Using beautiful china, glassware or silver on a daily basis will give your spirits a lift. If you have a hefty supply of sample goods, put them into regular rotation. Keeping them stuffed in a drawer is a terrible waste. Treating yourself like royalty will cause others to look at you with newfound respect. Don't be surprise when you notice people listening to your suggestions more attentively. When you hold yourself in high esteem, your social stature will skyrocket.

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Beware of revealing privileged information. By establishing yourself as a trustworthy confidante, you'll be given even more helpful insights. A colleague who trusts your judgement wants you to see the full picture. When you know exactly what is at stake, you make excellent decisions. Your advice will save a business from going under. It may be necessary to downsize, but that's better than letting the whole operation fail. Aim to do the greatest good for the largest amount of people.

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