
Work will be very enjoyable. You'll welcome an opportunity to be creative and productive. If you finish your duties early, look for ways to support your colleague. A fellow worker who is overwhelmed will be gratified by your support. If you have a little extra money, splash out on some clothes. Adding fashionable items to your wardrobe will make it exciting to get dressed for a party. Wear something that enhances your natural good looks. You won't have to spend a lot of money to assemble an attractive outfit.

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A love affair gives lots of pleasure. Join forces with someone who is focused, practical and intelligent. The two of you could build a happy life together. It also helps that there is lots of chemistry between you. If you already have a partner, arrange a romantic outing. The two of you may enjoy a long walk through a garden, park or forest. This is also a good time to develop a creative project. Working with paint, fabric or wood appeals to your earthy side.

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Spending time at home is reassuring. You have a lot of restless energy that can create anxiety. Familiar surroundings can be soothing. Take this opportunity to prepare some comfort food or add decorative touches to your household. If you've been fighting with a relative, extend an olive branch. Most of your differences are the result of temperamental differences. You're mercurial, while your family member is more placid. Accepting each other's differences will pave the way for a better relationship.

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You're more outgoing than usual. This would be a great time to go on a short trip. A change of scenery will be refreshing. Arrange to meet a friend who lives in a nearby town. The two of you will have a good time watching a movie, concert or play. Satisfy your love of art. If you're stuck in a rut, sign up for an adult education course. Studying with a talented teacher will open your eyes to new ways of thinking and working.

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Splashing out on luxuries will lift your spirits. Elegant possessions are as essential as food and water. When it comes to work, you're extremely grounded. Once your duties have been dispatched, you want to enjoy the fruits of your labour. If that means having less money in savings, so be it. Be ready to defend your principles to a cynic. It's important to make moral choices. You may not realise it, but others think of you as a role model. Where you lead, others will follow.

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Your powers of attraction are at an all time high. Admirers will gather around you like bees to a flower. If you're single, you will have an opportunity to embark on a passionate romance. Choose a partner who is creative, instinctual and whimsical. Such a romantic interest may help you become a little more spontaneous. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour may need a little extra tender loving care. Find ways to show your appreciation.

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Sneaking off to a private hideaway will be therapeutic. Although you are a social butterfly, you can benefit from peace and quiet. Being able to hear your own thoughts will make you more assertive. Making the right choice about a creative project is important. Instead of listening to pushy friends and colleagues, trust your intuition. You might surprise everyone by taking an unusual direction. Take this opportunity to establish a unique vision. You're a lot more rebellious than most people realise.

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Your social life sparkles with excitement. Party invitations could start pouring in. Everybody wants to be in your company. That's because you're very perceptive about feelings that are bubbling beneath the surface. When you think someone is hiding hurt feelings with a big smile, you're often right. Obey an impulse to offer hugs and encouraging words to this friend. Your encouragement will go a long way towards healing their pain. Be a positive influence on your community.

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Pursuing a job in a creative field will be rewarding. You're such a free spirit that you find it difficult to fit in with a conventional company. Being able to work without the constraints of stuffy rules will be liberating. Your work may involve unorthodox hours. Alternatively, you may be working with offbeat creative types. It's even possible you will find a position in a cutting edge field. Keep your eyes open for a job that requires flexibility and imagination.

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Taking a long trip for pleasure is strongly advised. It's important to get a change of scenery. Although you love work, you are vulnerable to burnout. Stop telling yourself you are too important to take a holiday. Taking a break will make you more productive when you come back. Satisfy your urge to explore an ancient city that has fascinated you since childhood. You'll pick up some beautiful souvenirs. Shop for distinctive pieces made by local artisans. They'll give your home a distinctive flair.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A love affair is heating up. It's nice to know you light your amour's fire. Something about your cool detachment makes your partner's pulse pound. Take this opportunity to spend some private time together. If you're single, you could meet someone special in a bookshop, library or classroom. You crave a partner who is just as intelligent as you. Joining forces with someone who is curious, accomplished and analytical will be exciting. The two of you will enjoy working together.

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A creative partnership will be rewarding. You will benefit from operating alongside someone who is demanding and analytical. Although you have a lot of natural talent, you have a tendency to be undisciplined. Listen to your helpmate's advice about improving your performance. Being more diligent and precise will yield tremendous success. At first, you'll feel like you're trying to sprint through quicksand. Eventually, you will become more adept at perfecting your performance.

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