
Instead of rocking the boat, you'll row it to shore. You're more interested in having a job pay off than revising the whole thing at the last minute. Your helpful attitude is much appreciated. The entire group is ready to wrap things up. If you're going to become a valued member of an organisation, you must try to blend in. Although you're a die-hard individualist, that doesn't mean you must fight every system. You can let your feelings flow freely in your private life.

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You're intent on promoting your agenda, even at the risk of seeming pushy. Normally, you're willing to work with the materials you are given. This situation is different. Insist on getting special supplies that will give your work a distinctive flair. Adopting a spiritual practice will make it easier to cope with stress. It's hard to take petty problems seriously when you're able to see life from a larger perspective. Stay focused on life's adventures, even when you encounter obstacles. You're here for a reason.

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Your capacity for unconditional love is admirable. While others heap criticism on a troubled friend, you offer nothing but encouragement. Thanks to your faith in their abilities, this loved one will surpass everybody's expectations. You'll receive a special gift as thanks for your support. Overcoming your limitations isn't as difficult as you think. You're no longer getting any benefit from the old way of life. Move in a direction that is more rewarding and don't look back. You're on the brink of a grand transformation.

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Your unusual way of looking at life attracts lots of admirers. While everyone else is pursuing predictable goals, you're building unorthodox castles in the air. Don't be surprised when fellow innovators seek your company. Forming a group of misfits will be reassuring. Instead of asking others for advice, listen to your intuition. You've been blessed with a powerful sixth sense. Ignoring it is a waste of a precious commodity. Let your guiding force be instinct. You'll make much more satisfying choices.

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If you're anxious, put your surroundings in order. The simple act of clearing out a drawer can sharpen your focus. After getting rid of some clutter, it will be easy to set new goals. Your nervousness will turn to excitement, which is a big improvement. You'll find career success in unusual ways. If you get an opportunity to learn how to operate some cutting-edge technology, take it. Your professional prospects and salary will soar. When you have specialised knowledge, you'll get all sorts of attractive job offers.

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Going in a new direction will be exhilarating. Although you enjoy comfortable routines, you've grown tired of a recent regime. Going on a trip, building a website or taking an advanced course are among the possibilities. Your heart will lift when you make this change. Overcoming a creative block will come as a huge relief. Now your ideas are flowing freely again, life will be much sweeter. Even people who used to annoy you will become a source of amusement.

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Take charge of a situation that has spiralled out of control. You'll have to confront someone whose behaviour has been hurtful. Let them know you will no longer tolerate their oppressive influence. If they want to keep participating, they must become a team player. Maintaining your emotional equilibrium has become increasingly important. No matter what problems you face, you can find inner peace. This can be as simple as adopting a reassuring belief, thinking back on happy memories, or making exciting plans.

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Be more considerate towards someone who is in a touchy, tetchy mood. Instead of subjecting them to a frivolous, fun-filled social occasion, let them go off on their own. They'll appreciate the opportunity to sort through some painful emotions that are getting them down. Learning a valuable skill will cause you to think differently about yourself. Instead of thinking in terms of your limitations, you'll begin believing in an expanded potential. Taking risks will be preferable to playing it safe.

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Take an analytical approach to a persistent problem. Don't assume a stubborn person is causing the trouble. When you've seen what needs to be done, you'll realise that a job can be performed in a much more efficient way. Teach the entire group this new approach. You're becoming more self-sufficient. Being able to live on your own is a source of pride. Although you're not adverse to having a close relationship, you do need to earn your own income. It's easy to be emotionally generous when you're not economically dependent.

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A confident, happy attitude attracts luck like a magnet. Instead of looking for potential problems with a project, assume everything will work out well. You'll be pleasantly surprised. Instead of working hard to get what you want, it will flow easily into your life. A journey of self-discovery will be empowering. Stop buying into other people's perceptions of who you are. Start tuning into your impulses instead. When an idea or pursuit fills you with excitement, devote lots of time to it, regardless of what others think.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're very sensitive to people's feelings. If you sense a relative is feeling blue, do something to cheer them up. Taking them out for a special meal or making them a thoughtful gift will be greatly appreciated. You're a great influence. You're undergoing a dramatic spiritual transformation. Ideas that once left you cold are starting to interest you. Give yourself permission to change and grow. You're too smart to hold on to the same beliefs for your entire life.

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A creative project will allow you to express some feelings you have suppressed for far too long. It feels so good to finally explore these emotions in a safe place. Don't be surprised if these pages turn into a screenplay, short story or novel. You're a great storyteller. You don't like being defined by the company you keep. Just because your friends embrace a certain style doesn't mean you have the same taste. It's best for a versatile person like you to have a variety of social groups.

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