
Try not to be bitter that you haven't had the same advantages of many of your peers. Although your background is different, it works to your advantage. You're able to see sides of a question that others do not. Instead of being insulted by someone's patronising behaviour, continue to follow your hunches. Soon, you'll attract a big clientele that is the envy of the entire group. Underserved members of the community are comfortable working with you.

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Having lots of money won't solve your problems. Instead of lamenting your financial situation, focus on the many blessings you do enjoy. The sooner you change your attitude, the easier it will be to make ends meet. Jobs will fall into your lap. A raise could be offered. You might even get an inheritance or dividend cheque. When you're feeling the economic pinch, pour your energy into a creative project that fills you with pride. Baking, making clothes or building furniture will be good.

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It's difficult for you to work with someone who is extremely conventional. You always fare best when given a free rein. Being forced to do things by the book makes you bored and resentful. If you're dealing with an executive who radiates disapproval, look for a way out. Resist the temptation to walk off in a huff. Instead, continue to fulfil your duties while looking for a job that encourages more flexibility. Having a steady income should trump your desire for more freedom.

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You've been given a practically impossible task at work. Trying to satisfy an unreasonable customer will be an exercise in futility. Instead of going above and beyond the call of duty for this demanding individual, do the bare minimum. If your boss dares to complain about your performance, don't get defensive. Simply apologise and continue to do things exactly the same way. Eventually, this pest will find another outlet for their frustration. Then you can resume your regular responsibilities.

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Don't be too cocky about your prospects. If you are going to win someone's heart, you will have to work hard. Learn about their interests. Be kind and considerate. Listen carefully when you speak. In the past, you were able to attract lots of romantic attention through the sheer strength of your personality. Now you're dealing with someone who wants a partner with both substance and style. Don't be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve. It's time to take an emotional risk.

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Depending on others for help will lead to disappointment. It's better to pamper yourself. You're a diligent person who is vulnerable to burnout. When you don't take prolonged breaks, you become angry and resentful. Take some time off work, get a massage and indulge your love of natural beauty. A walk through the park or a visit to a garden will lift your spirits. Don't worry if little jobs fall through the cracks. You'll be able to salvage them after enjoying this peaceful interlude.

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Your schedule is tight. There won't be time to do errands that make your daily life easier. Instead of falling victim to stress, get help. Pay someone to walk your dog, pick up groceries or clean your place. Treat the expense as an investment in your happiness. Things won't always be this hectic. As soon as your workload subsides, you'll be able to resume your household responsibilities. It will be a relief to move from your professional to private life with ease.

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Being selfish will put a great strain on a professional relationship. Instead of insisting on getting all your demands met, be willing to compromise. Find out your partner's biggest priorities. By giving way to some of their requests, you'll pave the way for a respectful alliance. If you throw a tantrum, you'll be left to do all the work alone. It would be much better for you to maintain this union, if only to relieve your workload. Always remember the big picture.

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A negative self-image is driving opportunity from your door. If you're worried you are unable to do a difficult job, ask for help. Don't pretend to know what you're doing while fumbling in the dark. Someone who doesn't like you will make fun of your ignorance. Instead of taking their comments to heart, write off this ridiculous attitude. Everybody has to be taught how to perform tasks. Have confidence in yourself and ignore anyone who tries to put you down.

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Irrational fears are weighing on your mind. Instead of imagining the worst case scenario, assume everything will work out for the best. You've never been afraid of hard work. By staying focused on the tasks in hand, you'll keep anxiety at bay. When you do catch yourself worrying, train yourself to think positive. Imagine yourself being happy and successful. Listen to upbeat music. Call an optimistic friend. All these measures will stop you from falling victim to a bleak outlook.

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It feels like you're alone in a crowd. Most of your friends are preoccupied with romance, hobbies and holidays. You can't be distracted by such frivolities. Instead of avoiding fun for the sake of responsibility, change your priorities. Balancing work with pleasure will help you plug back into your social network. Instead of resenting people for enjoying themselves, you'll be able to join in the fun. Carrying out your duties will also be easier when you stop taking life so seriously.

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Don't let your quest for power cause you to steamroll over other people. Waiting your turn, listening instead of interrupting and giving credit where it is due aren't signs of weakness. When you see pushy individuals get ahead, don't mimic their behaviour. It's better to cultivate supportive relationships. Making friends with people at every level of the organisation will pave the way for long term success. You never know who will be in the position to help you further down the road.

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