
A refund, dividend or alimony payment will be delayed. It will be necessary to juggle the budget while waiting for this money to arrive. Take this opportunity to find another course of income. Getting a second job will be more fun than you expected. The work won't be nearly as tedious as a full-time position. There will also be the added benefit of strengthening your confidence. It's empowering to know you can make it on your own.

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Don't rely too much on your best friend or romantic partner for help. Becoming more self-sufficient is a matter of expanding your knowledge. Take over jobs you used to hand to your other half. It doesn't matter if you learn to drive, manage your bank account, fix the car or master cooking. The important thing is to assume more adult responsibilities. Stop telling yourself you're too old or absent minded to handle certain duties; you can do anything you want.

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Work won't be as time consuming as it has in the past. This is a tremendous relief. Take this opportunity to go on holiday. If you're between jobs, don't waste this golden period worrying when your next assignment will arrive. Instead, head for a city or country that has always fascinating you. Exploring a place by the water will be especially rewarding. The sight of an ocean or river will cause your creativity to flow freely. Write down an idea for a story, song or film the moment it arrives.

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You've been having a wonderful time, but work can't be neglected any longer. It's time to turn your attention to a demanding chore that fills you with dread. The sooner you attend to this matter, the better. Neglecting this responsibility will make others angry. Friends are waiting for you to fill out paperwork, fulfil promises and make a financial contribution. Everyone will breathe easier when you get back to business. Don't worry; a passionate romance will continue to simmer when you put it on the back burner.

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Lately, you've been keeping a low profile. Staying at home has been restful and therapeutic. This extended break from public life has been therapeutic, but it is coming to an end. Go back to work, attend a few social gatherings and reconnect with people in your community. Spending too much time with family gives you an unrealistic view of life. They love you unconditionally, but outsiders are more resistant to your charm. When your ideas are challenged, don't run back home. Make your case.

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You feel terribly unpopular when your phone stops ringing incessantly. Instead of wondering what you did to offend people, embrace the silence. The breakneck speed that threatened to consume you is finally ending. At long last, you have the chance to rest, relax and catch up on your reading. Don't panic if your evenings are empty. Fill the time with solitary activities that bring you pleasure. Even a social butterfly needs to rest its wings from time to time.

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Money has been flowing in at a remarkable rate. Instead of spending it as soon as it arrives, start to make regular deposits into your savings account. Pay off your debts and make a few long-term investments. Taking a few extra precautions will pave the way for long-term security. If you are a freelance worker, you'll experience a lull. Don't worry; business will pick back up after you take a prolonged break. Visiting a friend who lives in an interesting city or foreign country will be lots of fun.

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You've been in the spotlight for a long time. Now you have an opportunity to step back into the shadows. Relinquish a public role to your second in command. A relative, colleague or friend will be happy to assume your responsibilities while you take a rest. Don't feel threatened by your substitute. By showing faith in their abilities, they'll continue to treat you with respect. A truly accomplished person prefers collaboration to competition. This trusting attitude will cultivate stronger, healthier relationships.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The privacy you were once given could dry up. Instead of being left to your own devices, you'll be asked to participate in a team project. Being expected to attend meetings could make you resentful. Try not to dwell on the inconvenience of these gatherings. Make it your mission to cultivate profitable working relationships instead. Someone who appreciates your expert knowledge will give you a plum assignment when you need it most. After you've done your part with this job, you'll be allowed to resume your quiet ways.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You've been having fun with friends, but going out with the group every night has become exhausting. Scale back your obligations, even if it means skipping some exciting parties. Your perspective will change when you retreat from public view. Instead of going along with the crowd, you'll realise you have different needs from those of your friends. Venturing down an unusual creative path will be rewarding. Don't show your work to others until it is finished. You don't want to be discouraged by petty criticism.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The demands of your career have been growing. At long last, you'll get a break. A capable assistant will take responsibilities off your plate or companywide changes will bring relief. It doesn't matter why your work load is reduced; embrace this new approach with open arms. If you've been thinking of moving into another industry, this is some time to do some research. Entering a field that involves lots of travel will appeal to your sense of adventure.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You've been busy expanding your knowledge. Studying, writing and attending classes has been rewarding but time consuming. An extended break will give you a chance to catch up with your nearest and dearest. It's especially important to make time for the people who have encouraged you to further your knowledge. Showing an interest in their lives will eliminate any resentment that could otherwise burden these relationships. Enjoy a special outing with these supporters; they deserve to be thanked.

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