
Stop paying attention to your inner critic. Listening to this nagging voice will stop you expressing yourself freely. If you're going to make progress in relationships, you have to be honest. Of course, that doesn't give you license to run roughshod over others. Learning how to share your needs in a way that isn't abusive is essential. You also have to be receptive to your loved ones' desires. If they need you to be a little less aggressive, try to understand where they are coming from.

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Beware of trying to fit in all the time. You can't sacrifice your individuality for the sake of popularity. If you're going to distinguish yourself in the workplace, you have to challenge the status quo. Question authority and continue to find ways to improve on proven formulas. Money is a little tight right now, so you have to be as resourceful as possible. Prepare the majority of meals at home, rent movies instead of going to the theatre, and shop for bargains at every opportunity.

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A desire for achievement is making your life miserable. There will be times when you achieve distinction and periods when you operate in obscurity. Don't let your happiness depend on getting favourable publicity. Take pleasure in your relationships, hobbies, and sensual diversions. When you have a life outside of the spotlight, it's much easier to maintain emotional equilibrium. If you're looking for work, it may take some time before you find your dream position. Keep chipping away.

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You're afraid to venture into unfamiliar territory. If you're going to thrive in your desired field, you'll have to experience some rejection. That's just part of the price you pay for pursuing a dream. Before you get discouraged, consider the alternatives. Can you really live with yourself if you turn your back on your true passion? You're not the type of person who can thrive for very long in a boring job. Summon your courage and take the plunge. You won't regret it.

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Power struggles over an inheritance are driving you to distraction. Don't get drawn into a big family argument. You may get cut out of an inheritance, but you have the ability to make your own cash. If there's anything you hate, it's seeing people debase themselves over something as petty as money. A prosperous friend will invite you along on an expensive trip. You may not be able to afford this journey. Stay home and treat yourself to some inexpensive diversions. You'll still have fun.

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Emotional dependency is creating problems in a close relationship. You're a highly capable person, but need to stop giving your power away to a partner. By spending more time on your own, you'll realise it isn't necessary to have a partner to survive. Being in love is an enhancement to life, not a critical component. Once you give your amour a little more leeway, you'll both relax and enjoy each other more. If you lack some essential skills, acquire them now. It will boost your confidence.

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Worrying about the future is pointless. Let go of your anxiety and go with the flow. Model your behaviour after a laid back friend who has lots of fun. Your good fortune will start to flow. That's because you must be receptive to prosperity to attract it. If stress and tension are becoming a problem you might find relief by switching off and finding a quiet corner where you can relax and think things through constructively. This down time helps you put things in perspective and be less obsessive.

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It's time to break off a bad relationship. You want someone who is fully engaged with you. Competing for someone's attention has no appeal. You'll be amazed how much better you feel when you get a little distance from this romantic union. Suddenly your confidence levels will soar. You'll return to a hobby that gave you a great deal of pleasure as a child. Reconnecting with friends will also be fun. You don't need a partner to enjoy a rich life.

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You long to insulate yourself from reality. Bickering over petty matters has you bored stiff. If you're in an intimate relationship, take a separate holiday from your other half. Are you single? Stop letting your family comment on your personal life. Their interference will drive a good partner away. This isn't a good time to buy furnishings and artwork. Wait until you're in a more secure financial position. Your patience will pay off when you get a cheque on the same day as a fabulous sale.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Daydreaming undermines your productivity. Assemble a list of things to do and set deadlines by which to perform each task. Have colleagues keep you accountable. Be wary about sending emails and leaving voicemails. Not paying attention to detail could cause you to send a message to the wrong person. Fortunately, the weekend is almost here, and you can abandon yourself to fantasy once work is finished. Resist the urge to overindulge in food and drink, or you'll be too tired to enjoy your time off.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Money won't bring the emotional security you crave. You feel anxious, but don't understand why. A little intellectual stimulation will give you the grounding you need. You've been blessed with a remarkable brain. When you get bogged down in boring routines, it starts to wander. Taking an advanced class will focus your nervous energy. Your teacher will be impressed with your ability to understand abstract concepts. The two of you could collaborate on an impressive book or research project.

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You're hypersensitive to family criticism. If you're going to thrive with this crowd, you'll have to develop a thicker skin. Be ready to tease people who are constantly picking on you. By showing you are immune to their nasty comments; they'll look for another victim. When you feel especially vulnerable, steer clear of your relatives. Why subject yourself to agony when you could be mixing with people who uplift and encourage you? Be more discerning about the company you keep.

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