
You want to assert your authority, but won't be able to do so without seeming like a bully. Being a leader means having to make unpopular decisions. And while you have no problem with the public's resentment, it could stop you from enacting the changes you want to make. Never underestimate the power of numbers. If enough people are against you, it will be impossible to realise your goals. Find a middle ground, no matter how much it pains you.

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There's no way you can convert everyone to your point of view. Refrain from promoting your beliefs in mixed company. Even people who don't adhere to a particular belief system should be respected. When you act as if your principles are better than everyone else's, you make enemies. They may not come out in the open, but they will be there. Keep topics of conversation light. That means staying away from politics, religion and sex.

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You need to move with the times, no matter how much it pains you. Normally, you're excited to embrace future trends. This time around friends are lagging behind. Waiting for them to catch up will undermine your progress. Although it pains you to do so, you need to keep moving, even at the risk of losing some prized relationships. Some will accuse you of being a sell out, while others will sympathise with your desire to stay current. Don't apologise for acting in your own interests.

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It won't be easy to make changes to a time honoured agreement, but you need to try, anyway. Things have changed since you first joined forces with a person or agency. If you can't win them round to your point of view you need to become a free agent. Being on your own will be scary but liberating. You've forgotten how self sufficient you can be, when given a chance. An authority figure will be vengeful about your decision, but that can't be helped.

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Your health is being compromised by a toxic situation. You've been held prisoner by forces that don't want you to realise your full potential. If you stay, you'll be complicit in their abuse. Break free of this restrictive arrangement and seek greener pastures. Education, travelling overseas and writing a book are among the possibilities. The road will be bumpy, but at least it will be a refreshing change from being told what to do by your inferiors.

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Efforts to creating a legacy are falling flat as children are taking a different direction than you expected, and your creative output has been compromised. This is enormously frustrating, but you have a choice between going with the flow and continuing to go against the tide. Either way, you need to be prepared for a disappointment. If you compromise your vision, you'll always wonder what might have been. If you stay true to your vision, you may be defeated.

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Powerful feelings are forcing you to speak truth to those in power. What you have to say isn't pleasant, and it could get you fired or ostracised. Still, you will have the satisfaction of fighting an injustice. Family members may resent your stance, claiming it makes them subject to ridicule. Their complaints are justified, but there's really nothing you can do. In time, people will look at your decision with pride and awe. Right now, you feel a bit of an outsider.

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A colleague isn't ready to hear your frank criticism and they could lash out in response to your feedback. This will cause a great deal of trouble in the workplace. Ultimately, you'll have to decide which is better: standing by your opinion, or making an insincere apology. If you go with the latter choice, you'll be able to move forward in your career. If not, you may have to find another job. What's more important: being right or staying secure?

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All the money in the world won't buy you love. A distance has been growing between you and someone you love. In order to bridge this gap, you need to spend more quality time together. A youngster doesn't enjoy having to share you with a lover. Plan special outings with those who are feeling left out and neglected so they once again feel valued and wanted. If you're dealing with a romantic partner, you need to schedule intimate evenings just for the two of you.

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Your powerful personality threatens weaker members of the team. Don't be surprised if they try to force you out. Your presence forces them to assume inferior positions. In order to maintain your authority, you need to have a show of force. Whether this means making an example of someone who continually underperforms or threatening job cuts, you'll have to do something drastic. Don't look for public approval, because you're not going to get it.

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A deep desire to break out of your shell is hampering you from socialising. You're tired of being pigeon holed. Still, you can't afford to burn bridges. Maintain the friendships you have enjoyed for so long, and make changes privately. Don't discuss your plans with others. Everybody has a big investment in maintaining the status quo. They don't understand why you need to move on to greener pastures. By the time you're ready to make the leap, they won't be prepared to stop you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You want to even the playing field, but the powers that be won't let you. They're afraid of what you will do if given a chance to break the rules. Although you don't mean to harm anyone, you do want to champion the underdog. If this means taking pompous people down a peg or two, so be it. For your plan to work, you'll have to put it into practice stealthily. Choose your battles with care, and don't draw attention to your victories.

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