
Learning about philosophy, religion, and ethics can teach you a great deal about yourself. You're a lot deeper than people realise. This is because you prefer to keep your beliefs to yourself. Finding friends with whom to discuss the meaning of life will be a refreshing change. It's nice to know other people share your hopes and concerns. If you're thinking of writing a book, this would be a good time to begin. Collaborate with someone who has impressive credentials in your field of interest.

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Learning what makes your amour tick is essential to your mutual happiness. Enquire after your amour's sexual desires. Playing out a fantasy or dressing in a more provocative manner will yield exciting results. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a zoo, riding trail, or dog park. You've always had an affinity for animal lovers. Finding someone who shares this interest will bring great pleasure to you both.

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Power struggles with a partner may prompt you to go to couple's counselling. Having an objective third party present will help both of you air your troubles in a healthy manner. You and your beloved can have a happy future, but need to learn how to communicate. When your partner ignores your wishes, you have a tendency to become sarcastic. The sooner you break yourself of this habit, the better.

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Making changes to your daily routine will cause your energy to come flowing back. Lately, you've been putting in long hours at work. This has compromised your health. Scale back your responsibilities so your days will be evenly divided between work and play. Let your loved ones or roommates assume more of the household chores. If you're looking for a new job, seek a position which allows you to work outdoors part of the time.

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You can get the mental stimulation you crave by spending more time outside. Just walking through the park can be inspiring. It's as though you're seeing the birds, trees, and landscape for the first time. If you've been longing to take up a hobby, you should check out all the options over the next few days. Something inventive and creative is right up your alley. Soon, you'll be experimenting and turning out great results.

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Examine your feelings with regard to an older family member. It's hard to deal with this man objectively, mostly because he once wielded so much power. Now you're an adult, you need to behave like one. Stand up to this man when he tries to bully you. Demand an apology if he hurts your feelings. Once you reclaim your power you can move mountains. Other relatives will rally to your side when they witness your bravery.

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It's important to speak your mind when dealing with an authority figure or he'll think he can take advantage of you. By establishing firm boundaries now, you'll avoid trouble later. Of course, you need to be respectful. Although you may not like the person in question, they do have considerably more experience than you. By keeping your personal feelings in check, you'll learn a lot and acquire some impressive leadership skills.

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Mastering the fine art of money management will allow you to work for whomever you'd like. You're tired of taking jobs that don't pay well or involve undue stress. By learning how to invest your earnings, you could even retire early. Granted, this will involve cutting back on little luxuries. These short term sacrifices will afford long term security. Be willing to speak the truth to those in power if your boss asks you to do something unethical.

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Improving your communication skills will help you in virtually every area of life. You've always been honest, but this has driven a wedge between you and thin skinned people. Learning how to couch the truth in soft language will make a huge difference to your social success. It will also help you maintain promising friendships. Catch up on your bill paying, letter writing and phone calls today.

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Keeping your thoughts to yourself is vital. An authority figure is too sensitive to handle the truth. If you have plans to switch jobs, don't tell anybody about them. Go on interviews on your lunch hour. If someone catches wind of your intentions, you could be fired. If you're fed up with your current responsibilities, don't despair. Take up a creative project in your spare time. Writing a play or mastering a musical instrument will give you a new lease on life.

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If you feel like you're floundering in a sea of uncertainty, take a few moments to collect your thoughts. Make a list of three goals you'd like to accomplish by this time next year. Beside each item, list one thing you can do draw closer to this aim. By taking small but decisive steps towards your future, you'll feel much better. Reach out to a well connected friend who can help you with money or access. He'll be happy to do what he can.

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Getting on the job training will put you on the path to success. You're a quick learner and could be asked to take over for a colleague who is leaving. You never expected to rise so quickly through the ranks. The prospect of occupying the top spot can be a bit intimidating. Don't let your rivals see you sweat. By carrying yourself with confidence, you'll command the respect you need. This may require being more formal with the people who work beneath you.

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