
Friends will invite you to an impromptu party. Be sure to attend, as you'll have lots of fun. You won't have to go to much trouble with your appearance. This will be a casual affair. You might even be playing sports. The more comfortable you are, the better you'll perform. Someone will enlist you to join a humanitarian effort. Put your talent for sales to work by raising money for a good cause. It feels good to make a positive difference.

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An intellectually stimulating career is within your grasp. You'll have to call in a few favours to get an interview with a big company. Fortunately, you know a lot of people who are impressed with your abilities. Ask them to write you recommendations. If one of your friends knows an executive there, ask them to call. Who you know will get your foot in the door, while what you know will land you the job. Are you happy with your current job? Make a bold proposal to your boss.

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Meeting new people will be lucky for you. Someone who has a respected name in your desired industry appreciates your enthusiasm. By sticking close to this expert, you could get a great internship. Of course, it won't pay much, if anything. As time passes you will acquire valuable skills that will lead to a satisfying job. Are you thinking of taking a trip? You could find some great rates on plane tickets and hotel fares. Do some online price comparisons.

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You have penetrating insights on other people's characters. Knowing how to deal with a difficult relative or neighbour will make life much easier for the people around you. Pretty soon, you'll be the one people turn to to cope with this character. Don't be surprised if you get news of an inheritance or refund. Use this money to finance a childhood dream. You're tired of putting off your desires for the sake of work. Seize the day and move towards your heart's desire.

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Having intellectual compatibility with a business or romantic partner makes life much easier. Sometimes, you think the world is going mad. Being able to condole with a close friend takes the pressure off. If you're swamped with work, consider finding a helpmate. Seek someone who has a different skill set than yours. That way, you can focus on the kinds of work you enjoy while your comrade performs tasks that you find annoying. Two heads are definitely better than one.

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Taking a renewed interest in your health will pay off. By adopting a wholesome lifestyle, you'll have the energy and drive you require to meet your goals. Your system is especially sensitive to fat, sugar and alcohol. By eating lean protein, fresh produce and whole grains, you'll feel a lot better. You'll also get sexy glow that attracts lots of admirers. If you're looking for work, you might want to explore opportunities at a medical office or hospital.

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Your love life is picking up. It's hard not to be drawn to a cool rebel with a dry wit. The two of you enjoy making irreverent observations about the world. Don't expect this relationship to get quickly underway. The object of your affection needs to know how you'll fare as friends before making a move. You'll have so much fun together you won't mind waiting for them to make up their mind. Besides, you're in no hurry to get serious.

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Working from home is a good option for you. It will give you a chance to avoid office politics and save on commuting costs. This lifestyle isn't ideal for everyone, but you have no problem operating on your own. If you're looking for work, think about launching a business of your own. Catering, childcare, or dog walking won't pay much at first, but you will build a sizable clientele eventually. Besides, it beats working for someone else.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're feeling more restless than usual. Taking a short trip will be a welcome change of pace. Head for a scenic setting that offers clean air and healthy living. The smog and congestion of a city will just dull your senses. Are you short on cash? Ask a friend to accompany you. That way, you can share the expense. Choose somebody who is as easygoing as you. The last thing you need is going away with a nitpicker who insists on luxury accommodations.

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This is a good time to spend money on travel, time saving gadgets and education. If you've been thinking of taking a class, sign up now. It may put a dent in your budget, but you'll recoup the loss when you're able to market your newfound skills. Are you overdue for a raise? Now is the time to lobby for one. It may take a few weeks to get the bump you want, but keep at it. Back up your claims with facts and figures regarding your work performance.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Intellectual challenges make your eyes shine with excitement. You're tired of performing the same duties day after day. It's time to branch into new territory. If someone asks you to lead a big organisation, accept. This position will eat up a lot of your free time, but it will be very rewarding. You'll get a chance to meet all different sorts of people from your community and establish yourself as a fair person who knows how to get things done.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You'd rather work a problem out yourself than discuss it with friends. This will cause you to be a little reclusive. It's not that you don't appreciate your loved ones. It's just because you want to escape their influence. By retreating to some private corner, you can connect with your intuition and discover your heart's desire. If you're still feeling mystified an older friend or relative might be able to draw on their experience and give you some sound advice

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