
You may decide to sacrifice your personal life to climb the ladder of success. While your progress has been admirable, you shouldn't neglect your loved ones altogether. Take this opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family. You'll be amazed how well someone has been meeting persistent challenges. There's a chance they've seen your example and are following it. Your persistence has been inspirational and is starting to rub off on others.

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A deep need to explore the big questions in life will cause you to break a routine. Instead of filling your time with errands and work, you'll embark on a philosophical journey. Learning what is important to you and why will change your outlook. Instead of obsessing over minor problems that don't really affect the course of your life, you'll start focusing on the people and activities that make you happy. Turn a deaf ear to cynics who think you're just wasting your time.

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You should let down your defences with someone who has shown their loyalty. Discussing your hopes and fears will be liberating. You're eager to move forward, but some anxieties are inhibiting you from doing so. Your friend will give you the necessary encouragement to take a risk. Beware of spending beyond your means. If you need money for education, apply to a government agency for a grant or scholarship. A religious or cultural institution could also give financial assistance.

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This is a great time to embark on a romantic or business partnership. You should join forces with someone who is practical and hard working. Between your creative energy and their organisational abilities, you'll experience great success. Of course, it's important to set healthy boundaries in the early stages of your union. Be honest about what role you are willing to play. Pretending to be someone you are not will just cause resentment. Don't create unrealistic expectations.

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You're extremely productive. This is a great time to tackle household chores that have fallen by the wayside. Stocking up on groceries, doing the laundry and tidying your surroundings will make you feel very virtuous. If there is enough time at the end of the day, you can also prepare some nourishing meals for the week ahead. Don't make a big deal over a silly misunderstanding. The sooner you forget this matter, the easier it will be to forge a stronger bond with a relative.

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A rewarding love affair inspires you to develop your creative talent. Having an admirer in your corner makes it easy to write, draw, paint and play music. Don't show your early efforts to friends. The last thing you want is to be discouraged by a well meaning critic. Ideas require time to take root and grow, much like flower seeds. Resist the urge to throw away fledgling attempts; there may be some elements worth salvaging. When it comes to artwork, there is no such thing as a wasted effort.

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A family reunion could be more enjoyable than you expect. You'll enjoy providing food, drink and comfortable surroundings for loved ones. Someone from work may ask you to come into the office and attend to an emergency. Be ready to refuse. You have a right to your private life. It isn't healthy for colleagues to be overly dependent on you. When you return to the office, you may want to draw up a list of instructions on how to handle similar emergencies.

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Give your best friend or romantic partner a pep talk. Boosting their morale will help them face some difficult challenges. You'd love to take this problem off their hands, but it just isn't possible. The best you can do is offer emotional support. If you're not sure how to tackle a certain problem, make it your mission to find out. You might have to hire a lawyer to handle a legal matter. Getting professional guidance will be a tremendous relief. Don't take the law into your own hands.

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A chance to increase your income is worth pursuing. Developing a loyal clientele is the secret to your success. Take the time to learn individual tastes and preferences. This will give you an edge over bigger operations that can't afford to specialise. Beware of incurring too much debt. Paying off credit card bills quickly will be a tremendous relief. You're tired of lying awake and worrying about the future. It will take time and effort to meet your obligations, but it will be worthwhile.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your sensual side demands satisfaction. This is a lovely time to luxuriate in the bath, buy some cologne or enjoy a gourmet meal. A business or romantic partner could be a spoilsport. Don't let their bad mood influence you. Enjoying some solitary pleasures can be beneficial for your relationship. After all, you're not joined at the hip. Someone may try to make you feel guilty about enjoying yourself. Don't take the bait. You're long overdue for a break. Indulge yourself.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Vivid dreams are pointing you to a new career path. Changing gear will be both scary and stimulating. You've never shied away from a challenge. It will take time to learn a new trade. Give yourself a chance to make mistakes. Don't quit a steady job before you have another in place. It's easier to find work when you're gainfully employed. Take it easy at a party. Overindulging in food and drink will be cause for regret. Exercise moderation.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Spending time with friends lifts your spirits. A humorous person will teach you to view your problems in a more productive light. It's pointless trying to change others. The only thing you can control is your own reaction to stress. Resist the temptation to throw a tantrum at the first sign of trouble. Instead, take a deep breath, assess the situation rationally and decide whether this is really a battle you want to undertake. Sometimes it's easier to walk away.

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