
Great weekend for fantasies and enjoyment prepare to go completely OTT! Overindulging in fun and games is a real possibility; it's easy to get swept up by the magic of the moment. If you're going to party then don't drink and drive. You could attract a variety of admirers to your side, but be careful before making any moves. What you think is a pleasant encounter could be considered the prelude to an affair. Be especially cautious if you're already in a relationship.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Home comforts and domestic pleasures will increase your feelings of security. Your emotions tend to soar and plummet so try not to make any big decisions. You're bound to see things more rationally once Monday rolls around. In the meantime, try not to formulate any wild ideas with regard to your career. You need to take a cautious, practical approach to work and family. Quitting your job or assuming another one is ill-advised right now. You're better off maintaining the status quo.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Enjoy the weekend and fresh faces it brings but don't believe everything you're told. You're very easy-going but need to be vigilant when making plans. If you want information or a favour, go after it with full force. Set dates by which you need material, and be clear about what you want. It's best to put everything in writing. A neighbour could take advantage of your generosity. If somebody asks you for a loan of money, possessions or tools, be specific about the terms to avoid an ownership dispute later.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Money is what you want to do the things you want to do but don't waste it this weekend. Overestimating your finances could land you in a whole mountain of debt. Don't buy anything on credit unless you're absolutely sure you will have the funds to cover an expense. Take time to read the fine print before agreeing to a loan or grant; interest rates may be higher than your realise. Above all, don't accept any favours or rely on promises being kept. There are probably plenty of invisible strings attached to seemingly generous offers.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Something happens today that will live with you for a very long time to come; memories are made of this. You pride yourself on being generous and loving, but there should be a limit to your beneficence. People who always take and never give must be ejected from your life. View your relationships objectively. Which friends can you depend on? Who has let you down repeatedly, even after you've been around for them? The answers to these questions will be most illuminating. Protect your interests.

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Listen to the voices inside who tell you what to do, you're intuition is picking these up for a reason. You tend to overestimate your hidden reserves and could bite off more than you can chew. If you find that you're struggling, approach the people in question and ask for an extension. There's no point in working your fingers to the bone if you can make alternate arrangements. In the event that there are emergency deadlines involved, relegate your duties to someone who has less on their plate.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Your future plans can be consolidated this weekend due to someone you meet off the cuff. You have big dreams, but may not have the wherewithal to make them come true. It's essential to develop your natural talent if you're going to meet with success. Sure, there are some skills that can't be taught, but you can still perfect certain techniques so that your overall performance is stellar. Don't be afraid to ask an expert for instruction. No matter how gifted you are, you can always improve.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Consider your career options don't be drawn into an ambition that only looks good on paper. Putting too much emphasis on your profession could backfire. Jobs come and go, but your relationships should remain pretty constant. If you've been neglecting friends and family for the sake of your work, put an end to it. Set aside quality each time for your loved ones. Children are especially sensitive to your daily routines and habits. Each time you choose your vocation over them you send a hurtful message to their young minds.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A visit to family or friends at home or overseas will put an idea in your head that you can't resist. Although you're very well informed about issues, you may not be aware of certain resentments. Take note of your surroundings. It's possible that angry feelings are getting in the way of cooperation with others that was previously harmonious. An open-minded person like you can smooth out any misunderstandings that are threatening to undermine your entire world. Details like these can be tedious, but they're ultimately crucial.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Psychologically you need to make a clean breast of things and throw caution to the wind. You're doing more for others than you do for yourself, and it's wearing you down. Stop making excuses for why you can't get eight hours of sleep and take a break. Until you force yourself to sit down and relax, you'll increase your chances for having a complete emotional breakdown. Your needs aren't silly; they're human. It may be necessary to tell people around you to become more self-sufficient - plus, you must learn to delegate.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A wonderful weekend for all one-on-one relationships, if you're single you won't be soon! You tend to give others the benefit of the doubt but your illusions could be crushed if you're not careful. If someone gives you an excuse that is as weak as water, call them to task or they will continually take advantage of you. At some point folks will judge you based on the company you keep. By allowing opportunists to cling onto your coattails your reputation will start to suffer. You can't afford to take chances like that.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your health is as good or bad as your job is so do something you love doing for your well-being's sake. Taking on extra duties to relieve a mate's responsibilities is admirable, but not advised. The fact is, you have plenty to do off your own bat already. Adding to these burdens could result in disaster. Be honest about your situation when somebody asks you to bail them out. It's better to tell the truth than to make promises that will be broken. Your emotional and spiritual welfare is at stake here.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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