
You're warm, sensitive and loving. People come to you for comfort. They know you'll drop everything you're doing to lend assistance. If you know someone who is in deep distress, take them aside and lend a sympathetic ear. Listening is more important than talking. Altering your approach to business will be effective. If you want to attract more customers, you should try to see things from their point of view. Providing more attentive service and affordable merchandise will attract a loyal following.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Spending more time with friends is critical to your wellbeing. You've always been attracted to creative people. They understand your own artistic impulses. By talking to someone who appreciates your vision, you'll have the courage to start a big project. Going on a long-distance trip could alter your world view. After witnessing widespread poverty and illness, you'll become more compassionate. You might even get involved with a humanitarian organisation designed to relieve these problems. Making the world a better place is a wonderful use of your time.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You work hard to make your loved ones comfortable. There's a good chance that you send a portion of your income to your family. Even if your relatives are in good financial shape, you'll work overtime to ensure their permanent comfort. Are you in the market for romance? You must let down your defences with the one you love. Let your amour introduce you to different sensual techniques. Being able to satisfy their desires will strengthen your relationship.

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The fastest way to your heart is through your brain. You have no interest in having a relationship with someone who lacks curiosity about the world. You're seeking a partner with whom you can discuss big ideas, travel to distant lands and to carry out spiritual practices. A close relationship is undergoing changes. You're no longer willing to take a passive role. Becoming more assertive will be good for both you and your partner. The more self-sufficient you are, the more relaxed your partner will become.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Are you longing for sensual satisfaction? Put work aside and abandon yourself to pleasure. Enjoy a gourmet meal, get a massage or shop for a new fragrance. Splash out on some fluffy towels and soft bed linens. Invest in your enjoyment of the material world. Improving your health regime will make you much more energetic. You should eat a diet that is mainly comprised of lean protein, fresh produce and whole grains. Stay away from sugar, fat and alcohol like the plague.

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Let down your defences with someone who adores you. Just because you've had some unhappy experiences doesn't mean you are doomed to be miserable in your loved life. The key to having a good relationship with someone else is to adore yourself. Obey an impulse to change your creative style. Artists are always changing and growing. It's possible your work will assume a darker tone. Don't be afraid to face your deepest fears; they can be the source of inspiration.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You have a lot to offer to a partner, but do you give yourself the same level of care and consideration? Make a list of activities that make you happy. Get into the habit of enjoying some of these pursuits each day. Your home life is undergoing big changes. A grown-up child could move into a place of their own, an elderly relative may join your household or you might relocate. Be open to the changes ahead. If you're not resistant to them, these transitions will be happy ones.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Never be afraid to express your artistic side. You've been blessed with creative talent. Use it to write stories, compose music and craft things of beauty. Dedicating yourself solely to business would be a terrible waste. You have more things to do than cultivate wealth. Slowly but surely, your opinion of a relative or neighbour has changed. A few months ago, you couldn't stand their company. Now you realise you weren't giving this intelligent person enough credit for being a good conversationalist.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You are kind and considerate to a family member who has experienced a recent setback. Do everything in your power to make life easier for this relative. Prepare a nourishing meal, run some errands on their behalf or simply listen attentively while they talk. Another source of income will become available. If you're given a choice between taking a flat salary and earning a commission, choose the latter. You'll make much more money this way. It's even possible your pay packet will be doubled.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're looking forward to a pleasant outing. Meeting a friend for lunch, shopping for clothes or visiting a museum are among the possibilities. It's important to feed your need for companionship, luxury and art. Depriving yourself of these things will make you miserable. Softening your image will make people more receptive. Instead of issuing orders, take a more conversational approach to colleagues and relatives. The ice between you will melt and you'll be able to have a frank exchange of ideas.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your income is steadily increasing. Rather than raise your standard of living, maintain the status quo. Put your additional earnings into a savings or retirement account. Having a nest egg is the ultimate gift to yourself. It allows more freedom in personal and professional relationships. Trust your instincts when it comes to a potential romance. If you suspect someone has a crush on you, it's true. You'll have to make the first move on your shy admirer. Summon your courage.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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This is a wonderful time to indulge yourself. Treat yourself to a few of life's luxuries and promise to give yourself more time to simply sit back and enjoy life. People will be drawn to you like bees to a honeypot. Use your popularity to promote your agenda; you are irresistible. Make friends with someone who shares your priorities. Collaborating on an art project will be rewarding. You both take deep pleasure from creating works of beauty. It's such a relief to spend time with someone who understands you.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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