
Someone will confide a secret to you. Lending a sympathetic ear will help your friend recover from a difficult situation. You're smart enough to know you can't control another person's behaviour. Instead of heaping them with shame, practice unconditional love. You're less materialistic than you have been in the past. That's because you have discovered the things that bring you joy cost very little money. Spending more time with friends, playing sports and exploring unknown realms make you feel richer than Midas.

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Getting involved with a charitable organisation will be rewarding. It feels good to use your organisational skills to make the world a better place. Thanks to your ability to create efficient systems and structures, this group will save lots of money. Recently, your outlook has undergone tremendous changes. Instead of keeping thoughts to yourself, you are much more communicative. This has helped your emotional and physical health. Keeping anger, sadness and frustration bottled up inhibits your vitality. Energy surges when you speak your mind.

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You're prepared to spend long hours at work to be successful. Some of your friends are bewildered by your recent absence from parties and social gatherings. Make a social media post explaining your withdrawal from public life. Keeping people in the loop will ease resentment.

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Adopt a philosophical approach to an ongoing problem. Rather than trying to find a solution to this dilemma, ask the Universe what it is trying to tell you. After spending some moments alone, your inner voice will tell you the answer. Has a good friend moved away? It will be impossible to replace their importance to your daily life. That doesn't mean you should stay home and sulk. Accept every opportunity to socialise. You'll never meet anyone new if you only go from home to work and back again.

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You don't want to discuss your feelings. Someone who keeps asking nosy questions must be put in their place. If you don't establish a healthy boundary, they'll continue to torment you. Although you're warm and giving, that doesn't mean you should be totally open. Stay silent about an unusual career opportunity. You don't have enough reliable information to make an informed decision yet. The last thing you want is to be discouraged by a cautious friend. They may detest change, but it's good for you.

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It's time to give your romantic side a free rein. If you're in a relationship, write a love letter to your amour. Describe how they make you feel and why you adore them. Are you single? You'll meet someone special at a religious or spiritual retreat. An eye-opening experience makes you realise you've been too predictable. Whenever you get a choice to do something familiar or take an unfamiliar path, pick the latter. The more chances you take, the more adventurous you will become.

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Beware of putting too much emphasis on work. One good way to make your job easier is to train colleagues how to perform your duties. That way, if you need to recover from an illness or want to take a holiday, you can. Have you been waiting for some money? It will finally arrive, allowing you to splash out on deeply desired luxuries. Don't be swayed by a cheap person's criticism. It's important for you to treat yourself for all the hard work you do.

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You're in love with love. Put work on the back burner and focus on your romantic partner. Enjoy leisurely lunch and a fun outing. Changing focus will remind you there are more important things in life than crossing items off your chore list. A partnership allows you to take some time off. Take advantage of your other half's offer to fulfil your responsibilities while you go on holiday. Visiting a country famous for its natural beauty will be transformative.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Making home improvement plans lifts your spirits. You need a living space that allows you to entertain your army of friends. If that means adding a room or landscaping your yard, go for it. You'll be delighted by the results. Rather than insisting on carrying out a routine, be flexible. If someone offers to take you to an unfamiliar restaurant or teach you a skill, accept. Trying new things will pay off handsomely. Maintaining a predictable timetable will dull your adventurous spirit.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Rely on your intuition when faced with an important professional decision. Taking a job that pays less but offers more creative stimulation will be rewarding. Well intentioned friends will question your choice, but they don't share your need for artistic expression. Are you hesitant to showcase your artwork? It's more important to be authentic than fit in with the crowd. You'll gain a cult following of people who admire your unusual outlook. Turn a deaf ear to critics who think you are trying to be provocative; you're simply being honest.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your patience and understanding pave the way for financial security. Wherever you go and whatever you do, it will always be possible to find good jobs. Employers value your ability to put people at ease. This quality is obvious within a few minutes of meeting you. Let go of attitudes that no longer serve you. Instead of dwelling on angry feelings towards your family, pursue a cherished goal. Being your own best friend will heal wounds that were inflicted on you as a child.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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When it comes to friends, quality is more important than quantity. You're very selective about the company you keep. If you want to discuss an idea for a creative project, talk to someone whose opinion you trust. They'll give you the encouragement you need. Have you recently heard about a subject that piques your curiosity? Go to the library and read all you can about this subject. You might even be inspired to get an advanced degree in this area.

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