
You take great pleasure in attending to small jobs which have escaped your attention in the past few weeks. This is your big chance to fix broken items around the house, fill up the pantry with groceries, and empty your laundry basket. If you're looking for work, search the wanted ads. You could find a position that's right up your alley. Try not to fall prey to nervous tension. You'll be able to recognise opportunity more readily if you're relaxed and happy.

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Working on an artistic project will make the hours fly. Indulging your creative side gives you a sexy glow. Friends may resent you for turning down an invitation. They don't understand you need your private time. Taking a young person to a museum or movie could be a stimulating experience. Being in the company of a child helps you to look at the world through fresh eyes. Be sure to encourage them to follow up an interest in music, art or dance.

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Attending to family responsibilities will take up the lion's share of your time. An older relative needs your love and support. Be receptive if they want to talk through a problem. Downplaying their anxieties will only make them more worried. You could receive an inheritance, tax refund, alimony payment, or insurance settlement. Use this money to pare down a debt and put the rest into savings. Someone may have to cancel an appointment, don't take it personally.

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It may be difficult to get access to the information you need. Instead of bashing your head against a brick wall, turn your attention elsewhere. The names and numbers you seek will become available when you least expect them. Let a friend or partner run some errands for you. Usually, you're the one attending to everybody else's needs. Put the shoe on the other foot, for a change. A childish temper tantrum is a sign you need to be more consistent.

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Putting too much emphasis on money matters could make your life miserable. You're a fun loving person who doesn't need wealth to enjoy yourself. Hosting a casual party can restore your good spirits. If you're looking for work, spread the word among friends. You could get several lucrative assignments this way. The object of your affection may be acting strangely. Devoting more time to your relationship could put an end to their emotional outbursts. Loyalty needs to be expressed in words and deeds.

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It's hard to lighten up and have a good time when you have so much responsibility on your plate. You have to make a concerted effort to put chores on the back burner. Friends and relatives have been longing for your company. Kids are especially lonely for you. By giving your most precious possession, your time, to them, they will feel valued and loved. Expensive presents are all well and good, but they don't really build solid relationships.

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Isolating yourself from the crowd is a mistake. Yes, you're hurt and depressed, but the only thing that will pull you out of this slump is company. Host a dinner for your nearest and dearest. It doesn't have to be anything fancy; you can even order a pizza. What matters is you are surrounded with the people who love you. By putting yourself in their care, you'll be able to face your detractors with renewed energy and determination.

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Trying to live up to other people's expectations is an exercise in disaster. You need to consult your own feelings as a matter of conscience. If you're still having trouble making a decision, make a list of pros and cons. Seeing the issues on paper will give you much needed direction. Abandoning a self improvement programme for a temporary pleasure is a mistake. Stay focused on your goals, and have a strategy in place to avoid temptation.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Resist the urge to put the weight of the world on your shoulders. You can't possibly do all of this work yourself. Granted, the people who do fill in the gaps may not be as talented or efficient as you, but who cares. It's more important to get this job finished before the deadline than turn in a perfect performance. Besides, you'll never give people a chance to improve their skills if you continue to hog all of the work yourself.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You may be reluctant to try new methods, but this will ultimately work against you. Take this opportunity to master a new piece of technology, even if it delays your progress in the short term. Insisting on doing things the old way will make you obsolete. In this kind of job market, you need to remain on the cutting edge. The more open minded and adventurous you are, the more support you'll get from colleagues. You might also attract some romantic attention as a result.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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As much as you'd like, you can't save somebody from their mistakes. You've got to let a loved one take the consequences for their actions. Don't tell lies or cover up their transgressions, or you'll enable an addiction or troublesome habit. Trust your intuition when it comes to a new opportunity. Venturing into new territory will give you a chance to heal from an old, stubborn wound. Sometimes the only way to repair a relationship is to get some distance from each other.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It may be impossible to live up to a person's demands. You've got to establish some personal limits, or you'll end up feeling used. Question your tendency to automatically say 'Yes' to every request. This tendency to be a people pleaser has caused you more trouble than you realise. Once you start standing up for yourself, people will have more respect for your time, money and talent. Soon you'll be able to charge for your services, instead of giving them away.

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