
Spending more time with friends is one of your favourite things about Christmas. Push yourself to attend a holiday party, even if you feel tired after work. Your spirits will instantly lift when you walk through the door. A platonic relationship could become passionate. You don't respect an instructor. Although they have lots of impressive experience, they have terrible interpersonal skills. If you're going to take a course, choose another teacher. You learn best from people who are flexible, compassionate and humorous.

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Being in the public eye is lots of fun this Christmas. Buy a special outfit that makes you feel fabulous. Making a dramatic entrance at a party will be fun. You'll receive a tempting job offer after crossing paths with a successful business owner. Don't dwell too much on debt. The New Year will bring plenty of moneymaking opportunities. Have fun shopping for your nearest and dearest. While you're at it, buy yourself something special. You're overdue for a treat.

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You'll gain access to an exclusive club or organisation. You'll enjoy rubbing elbows with attractive people who share your interests. If you're single, you'll make a love match with an offbeat rebel. You both enjoy challenging the system and exploring unusual ideas. A business or romantic partner is threatened by your career plans. They want you to maintain the status quo, but you want a fresh opportunity. Apply for a leadership position that appeals to your artistic side. You have a good chance of landing it.

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You love sharing the Christmas season with your amour. Take time out of your busy schedules to enjoy some private time together. Let your partner attend to your sensual needs. They are just as important as your spiritual ones. Abandon yourself to pleasure. Don't worry if you lack formal training. One of your colleagues will be happy to show you the ropes, but you must be respectful. Resist the temptation to tease them about their odd habits. They'll be insulted instead of charmed.

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Christmas cultivates love. If you're single, you will meet someone special at a festive party. Keep your eyes open for someone wearing a fashion forward outfit. You admire their vision and they adore your star power. You make a fabulous power couple. When choosing a gift for a child, be attentive to their tastes and habits. Buying something you think they should have won't get a welcome reception. Pick something they will love instead. It's a sign you take their feelings seriously.

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Christmas offers a perfect excuse to dress up and enjoy a night on the town. If you don't have anything special planned, accept a friend's invitation. You'll have a wonderful time meeting new people. Someone who admires your classic style will develop a crush. It's important to think for yourself, especially when it comes to your domestic life. If your partner insists on doing things their way, push back. Your needs are just as important as theirs. Compromise or make separate arrangements.

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Your love life is sizzling with excitement. If you have a partner, they'll lavish you with affection. Don't be surprised when you get your Christmas gift early. Are you single? You'll meet someone special at a holiday party. The sparks between you will be instantaneous. A routine job isn't very stimulating, but that's no reason to quit. If you want to embark on an exciting career, wait until the new year to land a new position. People are too busy with the holidays to do much hiring now.

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Spending time with family makes this Christmas season especially lovely. You won't mind travelling a long distance to see a favourite relative. Discussing old times and making plans will fill you both with excitement. It's been too long since your last reunion. You won't be able to buy someone's affection. Rather than buying a youngster an expensive gift, arrange a special outing together. Pick an event that appeals to their sense of fun. Slowly but surely, they'll let down their defences.

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A relative or neighbour will give you a considerate Christmas gift. Write a warm thank you note in response. It's easy to forget such gestures when you're busy with holiday cheer. The sooner you send this message, the sounder you will sleep. A lucrative moneymaking opportunity is on the way. You'll be delighted to accept this offer, especially with the knowledge that lots of bills are going to arrive. Working in a cutting-edge industry will be especially enjoyable, given your love of all things fashionable and new.

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Working with the public is challenging, especially during the Christmas season. Whether you're waiting on rude customers or dealing with an inattentive service worker, be compassionate. Getting drawn into the drama will only make a difficult situation worse. Try injecting humour into every interaction. Sensual pleasure will help you release tension. There's never been a better time to get a massage or enjoy a gourmet meal. Don't worry about the expense. You're a virtual money magnet, attracting lucrative commissions for all your hard work.

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Finding financial resources is difficult this Christmas. You're stretched to the limit and don't have any money left for extras. Resist the temptation to ask a friend for a loan. Borrowing money will strain your relationship. Focus on what you have, not what you lack. Your charisma is very powerful. You'll have no trouble getting party invitations and romantic offers. If you already have a partner, they will be especially attentive. Don't be surprised when they give you a very special gift, possibly of jewellery.

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You're deeply sensitive to other people's needs. If you sense someone in your social circle is lonely this Christmas season, invite them over for a cup of cheer. They'll appreciate the gesture and you'll be reminded of how lucky you are. It's difficult to communicate with your employer. They seem to wilfully misunderstand you. Instead of getting defensive, stay calm. By exhibiting grace under fire, you'll gain the confidence of colleagues. They've experienced the same frustrations with your employer.

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