
It's easy to develop a sudden crush on someone you've known for years. Finally, you're able to see someone's distinct talents and virtues. It may take a long time to win over the object of your affection. Your bold style may be overwhelming for a shy, retiring type. There will be delays with an insurance refund, legal settlement or inheritance. In situations like these, it's important to remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease. A constant litany of complaints and questions may speed things up.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Trust your intuition, especially regarding family matters. If a certain relative has been playing on your mind, give them a call. Go through photo albums and see what memories are triggered. If you've been having difficulty with a close relationship, it could be the result of some bad behaviour you saw modelled as a child. Instead of harbouring resentments and falling prey to jealousy, adopt a kinder, more gentle attitude. It might be a good idea to have separate bank accounts.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A friendship with an unusual person gives you a fresh outlook. Be willing to travel, try foreign cuisine and learn about different cultures. As far as you're concerned, variety is the spice of life. If work has become tiresome, don't quit. Having a steady income is a blessing. You can inject excitement into your life by taking up a sport or hobby. Resist the urge to go straight home after work. Go to a club, gym or pub instead. Make time for the stimulation you crave.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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An unusual career opportunity will become available. This job could be extremely lucrative, but it will cut into your personal time. Be prepared to scale back your social activities for the sake of work. It will take time and effort to become comfortable in your new position. Establish good relationships with colleagues and ask for help when you need it. If nobody is around to show you the ropes, fake it. In some instances, you'll have to make things up as you go along.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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An unusual subject has captivated your imagination. This would be a wonderful time to study with an offbeat instructor. Although their tangents can be confusing, you will mostly enjoy these flights of fancy. Home life feels oppressive. You're tired of accommodating a demanding relative who is never appreciative. Stop feeling pressured to go above and beyond the call of duty for this pest. Your first loyalty is to yourself. If you don't have time to run special errands, say so.

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A passionate physical relationship makes you feel like you're walking on air. It's a relief to have your sensual needs satisfied. Sneaking off to a private hideaway with your amour is strongly advised. Resist the urge to heap scorn on an older person who has difficulty with technological innovations. You might need their assistance with a valuable skill. Teaching each other will create a strong bond that is almost impossible to break.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Although you love having a partner, it's important to maintain your own identity. Going on holiday alone can be gratifying. It will be fun setting your own schedule without worrying about how your amour will be affected. Money will be tight, but don't worry. You can still have lots of fun on a budget. Visiting a city known for its cultural diversions is strongly advised. You'll enjoy visiting museums, galleries and concert halls. Even window shopping will be a pleasure in such glamorous surroundings.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Pursuing a new line of work will be stimulating. Although you prefer comforting routines, it's important for you to get an occasional change of pace. Learning how to operate complicated machinery or software will improve your job prospects. If you switch fields, you may be forced to take a salary cut. Don't let that stop you from pursuing a dream. You can quickly advance up the ladder of success if you stay focused. Put the past behind you and keep your eye on the ball.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A sudden romantic infatuation may be too powerful to resist. Throw caution aside for the sake of adventure. Are you already in a relationship? Plan an exciting trip with your amour. Venturing off the beaten path will strengthen your bond and deepen your mutual affection. Stop listening to your inner critic regarding your educational prospects. It may take time and money to get an advanced degree, but these sacrifices are relatively small.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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An interest in ecology may prompt you to plan a different sort of garden. You'll get some helpful hints from an older neighbour or relative who prefers old fashioned methods to modern techniques. This approach may take more time and effort, but it will also have more satisfying results. You can't hurry Mother Nature. Turn a deaf ear to friends who are discouraging you from undergoing a personal transformation. They want to maintain the status quo, which won't be healthy for you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A neighbour or relative has valuable knowledge. Learning all you can from this quirky character can greatly strengthen your relationship. You've always had difficulty expressing affection for others. It will be easier to let down your defences in an educational setting. Work may feel oppressive, thanks to budget cuts and staffing changes. An authority figure seems to be out of their depth. Resist the urge to criticise this tyrant or your remarks will come back to haunt you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Unexpected financial gains give you a chance to buy luxuries that are normally out of reach. This is a great time to upgrade your phone, computer or car. Pay as much money up front as possible. Running up credit card bills can keep you awake at night. A stern authority figure doesn't seem very impressed with your work. Continue to do the best you can. Look to friends and colleagues for encouragement. It's possible this severe critic is actually jealous of you.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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