
A career matter you thought was sorted regurgitates itself think carefully before you act. Exciting discussions about your career make you ready for a gigantic transformation. You're no longer worried about leaving secure foundations behind. The challenges ahead promise to stimulate both your mind and spirit. If there aren't any good prospects on the horizon, think about changing industries. You're versatile enough to make the transition. Besides, it's too boring to stay in one place for a long time.

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Have Plan B ready if travelling, as things will change but it's meant to be for a reason. A yen to gain more experience and meet new people prompts you to leave the familiar behind. This is a big difference for you, since you usually prefer to keep things as stable and secure as possible. Perhaps a desire for beautiful sights and sounds has prompted you to make this move. You're very sensitive to beauty, and sometimes have to venture beyond your surroundings to find fresh, inspiring vistas.

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Fate takes a lurch in your favour so take things in your stride and don't complain. Discovering secrets gives you an edge over the competition, and helps you to be more productive. You don't usually enjoy lording information over other people, but this situation is slightly different. Finally, you're able to distinguish yourself from the crowd in a way that doesn't threaten your peers. Take this chance to break in to a new area that offers plenty of intellectual stimulation. If there's anything you hate, it's being bored.

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Something said in haste or anger isn't meant so don't punish someone to satisfy your insecurity. You have a meeting of the minds with a person and it's a real turn on. Sometimes you're convinced that nobody understands your ever-shifting moods. Finding a sympathetic figure reassures you that you're not so unusual after all. Under the circumstances, it's easy to feel romantic. An instinctive sign like yours can afford to follow your impulses. It's fun to be the aggressor for a change!

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Get a second opinion over a medical or employment issue don't make a decision based on just one. Usually you like letting other people handle the petty details of big jobs, but not today. You're determined to check over every aspect of a project, even if it means correcting somebody else's mistakes. Perhaps what is motivating you is a desire to prove your loved ones wrong. Lately, they've been accusing you of being careless. By handing in a stellar performance, you'll establish yourself as a perfectionist.

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Someone needs to grow up and it's not a child, more likely a man who behaves immaturely. You feel moved to express yourself in some creative way, if only to get your emotions out. Confrontation isn't your strong suit; maybe that's why you prefer to pour out your feelings through writing or other means of artistic expression. Don't believe the hype that members of your sign are totally practical. Your reliable reserve hides a vivid imagination, one that needs to be let out on a regular basis.

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Don't take the bait if a young man finds your Achilles Heel and goes for it, let them be. Thinking about your past could inspire a lavish money-making idea. Offering a service that you once enjoyed as a child or making items that evoke a bygone era could give you tremendous satisfaction. You've always loved creature comforts. Now is your chance to earn enough money to enjoy them all. Approach somebody who has had experience with this sort of venture. They may have valuable advice.

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Whatever promises you make or are made to you will change so don't commit yourself. You have a quick wit and wry, dry sense of humour that brings out the best in you. Today, however, you're not content to let your admirers come to you; you want to go after them. Winning over somebody with jokes, compliments and funny observations should be a snap. Be careful about who you approach, though. You wouldn't want to break somebody's heart just for temporary pleasure.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Mistakes will be uncovered in your finances by Feb so today's news will simply compound them. Figuring out new ways to make money is a means to ease some of your fiscal insecurities. Although you seem like you don't have a care in the world, you can actually get fearful about money. There may be no rational basis for these phobias, but you have them anyway. Perhaps it's time to explore your attitudes about money, and correct any irrational attitudes you may have. That way, you can enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Whatever you say, keep a window open to change your mind, as you will need to do just that before February. You thrive on intellectual challenges at the moment, and like mixing with a variety of people. Going outside your usual circle of friends can be refreshing. It's nice to hear different opinions for a change. Head for a pub or a club that you normally wouldn't visit. You may end up leaving with a whole new spectrum of friends and ideas. You're not as cautious as you pretend - take a few chances tonight!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're only being told half a story so don't make your mind up until you hear it all. You'd rather keep your thoughts to yourself, even whilst circulating in public. A nosy person may keep pressing you for your opinions. If you find the situation is getting too close for comfort, try to go off on your own. Working on solo projects or reading for pleasure is more enjoyable than trying to socialize when you want to be quiet. Take the phone off the hook while you're at it. Solitude is bliss!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A friend is keeping something back from you for all the right reasons but at the wrong time. You're a very social bunny now, and enjoy discussing religion, politics and current events. It's comforting to realize that many people share your fears and concerns about the world. Somebody may suggest going on a trip together. Take them up on their offer. Travelling to a faraway location can actually make you more hopeful about the world. If getting involved in a club or group keep your options open if approached by another member.

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