
If there's anything you can't stand; it's a weakling that refuses to stand in their own defence. Try being more compassionate. You never know what challenges a person is undergoing. Be kind to an older relative who seems angry. There's a good chance they are feeling unloved and undervalued. Think back to a time when you felt this way. Was there a kind person who helped you out of this depression? This is your chance to make a positive difference.

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The more demands you make, the greater resistance you will encounter. Everyone is being forced to work with less. By asking for special privileges, you'll just be pouring petrol onto a smouldering fire. Accept what you are given and vent your frustrations elsewhere. The powers that be will eventually have to answer for their neglect. Until then, be patient and bide your time. The fact you were able to work under extreme conditions will lead to a raise or promotion.

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You simply don't have time to do all the things you want. Don't let an important job slip through the cracks when you're making a list of priorities. In fact, it's best to put the odious tasks at the top of your list, just to make sure they get done. Nobody likes drudge work, but everybody has to do it. If you have to cancel plans with friends, so be it. There will be other times to make merry. You can't afford to disappoint your boss right now.

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Another person's love cannot fill an emotional void. When you feel depressed and lonely, find a way to lift your spirits. Take up a hobby, set a new goal, or get involved with a charitable effort. It's hard to be sad when you're busy. If a certain situation feels suffocating, you must put an end to it. At the very least, get enough distance from the circumstance so you can breathe more easily. You've got tremendous emotional resources. Use them.

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It feels as if your wants and needs are being ignored. When this happens, you have to do something nice for yourself. Instead of convincing everybody else to go to your favourite restaurant, get a take-away for yourself. Go to a movie you've been longing to see, but doesn't interest your friends. Buy tickets for a sporting event or concert. Do whatever resonates with your inner child. You don't need anyone else's permission to have fun. Don't be surprised when you meet an attractive flirt on an enjoyable outing.

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Resist the urge to take out your disappointment on others. Just because a friend is experiencing a lucky streak doesn't mean you are fated to suffer. In fact, the sooner you celebrate their good fortune, the faster you'll attract prosperity. It's an unwritten law of the Universe. Contrary to popular belief, there is endless bounty available to all. Opening your heart will allow you to experience this wealth to the fullest. Yes, you can grieve a setback, but don't be consumed by it.

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The prospect of venturing into unfamiliar territory is scary. If you don't push yourself into trying something new, you'll regret it. Stick close to a friend who has always admired your work. They'll give you a rousing pep talk at the critical moment. You would be surprised to learn just how many of your rivals also suffer from nervousness. They're just better at hiding their emotions. Take a few cleansing breaths and then plunge into the fray. Give yourself a handsome reward afterward.

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Stop putting so much pressure on yourself. The world will not fall apart if you take a break. In fact, your nearest and dearest will breathe sighs of relief when they see you at rest. You have a tendency to tighten the screws when things get rough. This creates a tense atmosphere that is difficult to bear. It's especially important to be gentle with newcomers. All of your years of experience have made you jaded. Don't let your attitude undercut their enthusiasm.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It really annoys you when people beat around the bush. Unfortunately, you won't be able to get a straight answer out of a colleague. You'll have to sit in silence and wait patiently until they gather their thoughts. If you make sarcastic remarks or any comment at all you'll just prolong the encounter. Not everyone was blessed with a sharp mind like yours. On the plus side, you'll have a lovely opportunity to connect with a favourite relative. It feels great to catch up with somebody who really understands you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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No matter how much you wish, it will be impossible to change a loved one. Given this truth, you have to decide whether you should stay or go. Is your friend's behaviour really intolerable? If they're in the grips of an addiction, the answer is yes. On the other hand, if you're dealing with some minor character flaws, maybe you are the one who needs to change. By lowering your expectations, your relationship will grow stronger. It's all about give and take.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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All the goals you set will fly right out the window. There will be no other choice but to deal with an emergency. This makes you resentful. An inconsiderate person has created this mess, but you're the one who has to deal with it. Before firing off a scathing memo, do some research into the matter. It's possible there are hidden factors at work. By maintaining a tactful silence, you will earn the respect of the team. They know you don't suffer fools gladly and dread when you encounter one.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Resist the urge to cancel an appointment if you're not feeling great. By pushing yourself just a little, you'll get a second wind. You have a tendency to avoid unpleasant situations. By facing this one, your pride will soar. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. Besides, building confidence takes practice. The more experience you have dealing with stress, the easier it will be to cope. Pretty soon, you'll welcome conflict as a means of dealing with difficulties. Stranger things have happened.

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