
Dealing with authority figures brings up some powerful emotions. Right now, you're not in the position to challenge someone's ineptitude. If you see somebody doing a bad job, you'll have to remain silent. This is a very difficult prospect for an action oriented person like you. It's horrible to sit by and watch this character cause problems for everyone else because they aren't qualified to do their job. Never fear; your forbearance will be rewarded.

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It's upsetting to hear your beliefs being denigrated so casually. Although you're not the type of person who enjoys discussing religion, politics, or ethics in public, you may feel forced to do so today or the people in question will continue to offend others without a care in the world. You don't have to be shrill or preachy when confronting these boors. Just state your feelings in a firm, unapologetic way.

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Being reliant on others for safety or money can be really worrisome. At times like these, you feel as though you don't have control over your own life. If you'd like to reverse this trend, make a list of three small things you can do to improve your current situation. Taking a class, paying a debt, or getting certification are all ways you can gain a greater measure of independence. You'll feel much more energised once you take the plunge.

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Your expectations of a business associate or romantic partner could be causing disappointment. One of the problems is you want to eliminate other people's differences. Actually, you should be celebrating them. After all, having distinct strengths gives you added power as a team. The moment you stop criticising the people who are trying to help you, the easier it will be to have fun. There will also be the added bonus of attracting romance. It's hard to resist someone who is so positive.

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Your physical health is often a metaphor for your emotional health. If you're having trouble with your hand, it is possible you can't handle a difficult situation. Are your eyes troubling you? Maybe you've witnessed something that disturbs you. Whatever the problem, it's important to consider the source. Repressing your emotions can cause a whole host of symptoms, including sinus, stomach, and digestive troubles. Find a healthy outlet.

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If your love life has been a little dull, you need to improve your partnership skills. The best way to attract romance is to embody the traits you've always wanted in a lover. If you want someone who is drop dead gorgeous, work on your own appearance. Long for someone who is caring and compassionate? Develop your listening skills. In the event you've always yearned for an intelligent mate, work on the art of conversation. It's all a matter of taking the initiative.

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Dwelling on the past could be affecting your work life. If you can't get over certain disappointments, it may be difficult for you to find a satisfying job. Alternatively, your colleagues could treat you like a pesky child, rather than a responsible adult. Take this opportunity to come to terms with any lingering disappointments. Make plans for the future, whether it's resuming your education, forming a supportive group of friends, or conquering a stubborn habit.

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If it feels like everyone misunderstands you, it's time to improve your communication skills. It's possible your sarcasm eludes your friends, neighbours, and siblings. Instead of giving snappy comebacks to seemingly stupid questions, give serious responses. When you feel strongly about something, say so in no uncertain terms. And if you need a job to be done by a certain time, post the deadline in writing where everyone can see it.

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Having a hard time with finances? Perhaps you need to examine your attitudes about money. For instance, if you think money is the root of evil, you could sabotage yourself from becoming affluent. Alternatively, if you think money is a valuable resource, you'll be able to earn and conserve it with very little trouble. Many of your attitudes about cash were probably inherited from your family. Think back to how your parents treated and spent their money.

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If you want to widen your social circle, you've got to improve your image. Make sure your clothes and hairstyle reflect the real you. For instance, do you wear dark colours because they suit you, or are they just a means of blending in with the woodwork? When talking about movies and books, do you ever discuss guilty pleasures, or do you pretend to like what everybody else does? Stop trying to be accepted and start asserting your true personality.

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Repressed emotions could prevent you from attracting the abundance you deserve. If you have a hard time earning money, it may be because you don't have an outlet for your passions. Spending more time on favourite hobbies will give you a zest for life that is most empowering. Don't be surprised if you start getting job offers as a result of your creative pursuits. The imagination is a powerful magnet for wealth, as you'll soon discover.

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Friends give you the encouragement you need to make a bold move. Too often, you defer to strong personalities as a means to avoid conflict. It won't be the case today, when you stand up to someone who tries to downplay your contributions. You may be so exalted by this experience that you decide to quit your job, start your own business, or launch a project that is close to your heart. It's wonderful to see you coming out of your shell.

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