
The Sun moves into Aquarius and for you personally gives greater weight to your future. The strength of the planets inc-reasingly point you towards what’s to come rather than what has gone. There are exciting times ahead, all you’ve got to do is believe it.

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Try as you might you cannot escape the changes in store for you. Understand that by altering your current life position - particularly at work - your whole world will change for the better. Besides it’s a cosmic fait accompli the status quo must go, and soon.

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A fresh chapter of luck opens up for you from today. It’s not just a case of waiting for good fortune to happen but to actively chase opportunity and make it happen. Much of your desti-ny is governed by international connections both at home and abroad.

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Concentrate avidly on intimate areas. If you’ve been ignoring tax matters or other government based issues then use the next few weeks to deal with red tape piling up around you. Your sex life requires fine-tuning too as you are not feeling fulfilled.

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Put yourself first and deny the wants and needs of someone you love and trouble will loom. It’s difficult for a Leo to take a back seat but if you want a healthy relationship adopt that pose for a while. If you’re single, someone new will enter your life.

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For business success you need to get up to date and modernise your whole operation. Introduce gadgets or appliances that make your working life not only easier but attractive to would- be clients. Take an alternative approach to any medical problems now.

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Valentine’s Day has come early for you, in fact, the coming four weeks are aglow with loving feelings. Your affairs of the heart are sure to be warmed by the romantic attentions you recei-ve now. A child or loved one makes you proud of their achievements.

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The transition of the Sun into Aquarius makes your domestic world the most important factor in your life. If you have family matters to deal with, want to alter your home or change your address then do it now. Time to cut ties with a past situation.

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A life-changing opportunity is about to be offered. If you hear of something going that suits you then stake your claim right away. The next few weeks are ideal for communicating and letting folk know what you want and waiting for positive results.

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Today is the start of a change in your finances which must be instigated by you. Take the initiative and don’t wait for others to get the upper hand. Over the next month you have a good chance to boost your income and make money through your own talents.

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The creative thrust you put out from today on is fantastic. By focussing on something you have always wanted to do you can secure success. Put your self interests to the fore and you won’t be disappointed by the reaction or results. Your health is energised.

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The psychic forces amassing around you shouldn’t be ignored. By using your spot-on intuition you can avoid problems. You are also receptive to receiving messages in your sleep and should take time to decipher your dreams as they have significant meanings.

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